
Profile Overview


Tellarite Male


Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Junior Grade Ginsh





Tellar Prime


A Tellarite Scientist with a keen interest in zoology and specifically insects,  A thoughtful person with an eye for detail which can lead to getting a little hung up on specifics at times, he finds comfort in routine leading to someone who is, well organized, both in the tasks they have to achieve and the spaces they use, and a neat and well maintained appearance.



Neat and well groomed, a very full beard, which he occasionally changes the appearance of, currently with pronounced point at the lower edge. Average height, weight, and build, meaning chest height species like Humans and Vulcans. He has a presence for looser clothing and will request a uniform a little too large for the sake of comfort, but manages to ensure it conforms to regulations and looks at its best.


A thoughtful person with an eye for detail which can lead to getting a little hung up on specifics at times, he will however actively seek out experience and knowledge, tending to seek the company of these older rather than his peers, even during his formative years, this had led to the impression of trying to gain the favor or attention of senior figures which is not always well received. Ginsh enjoyed the process of observing and theorising, and discussing and debating conclusions drawn from facts. Finding comfort in routine leads to someone who is, well organized, both in the tasks they have to achieve and the spaces they use, and a neat and well maintained appearance.


Early Life

Born into a small family that resided in a small settlement in Tellar Primes southern continent, about fifty kilometers from a notable nature reserve, which the family used to visit regularly. Combine this with an insect farm gifted when he was six left Ginsh with a life long love of the smaller creatures and the natural world they helped maintain.

This interest combined well with a willingness to learn and steared the focus of his studies towards the sciences, although careful not to neglect other core subjects. He was encouraged by instructors, who saw both a strong grasp of and an interest in the subjects, and proud parents of course. Aside from having to endure the teasings of ‘teachers pet’ and a run in with one particular instructor who misunderstood and then took exception to certain habits of Ginsh. 

University Life

His early academic life was relatively smooth sailing and set him on a path that led to placement in a prestigious education institute on Tellar prime this involved a fair amount of classroom work with frequent  excursions to specific areas for field work, including one off planet trip to Betazed, as part of an optional Xeno-zoology module. It was during this trip Ginsh had an in person encounter with Starfleet, specificaly cadets also on a field trip from the on planet academy annex, parallel goals meant that they combined for a two days of observation, This triggered something in Ginsh that he had never considered that of service in Starfleet for himself. The dedication to the subject along with the camaradere made him rethink his path, he enjoyed the debate’s as expected, but after things were settled with data and evidence there were noticably less sour grapes as far as the Starfleet bods were concerned. This was something he valued greatly, enough for him to make a big change that would set him on an entierly different path he envisaged as he embarked on further academic study. He finished out the remaining academic year and took six months out to prepare for the entrance exam, which was hell and it took him two attempts at the exam itself before entering.

Academy & Early Career

Placed in Squadron Forty, his time on the Betazoid campus was interesting to say the least, the first thing for Ginch to get past was how ready Betazoid s were to engage him in debate and discussion, tales of other species struggling to cope with the Tellarite stance seemed exaggerated, but not entirely untrue, as the smatterings of humans and Andorians seemed to frustrate quickly. It was part of the learning curve for Ginsh, but the routine and orderliness required by the starfleet instructors sat well enough with him, his previous educational credits meant he was able to pick up and and attain both a bachelor and master degree in Zoology.

Graduation was followed by a first posting to the Fourth Fleet and another move to Starbase Bravo and adventures to follow.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2396 - 2397 Cadet Academy
Cadet Freshman Grade
2397 - 2398 Cadet Academy
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2398 - 2399 Cadet Academy
Cadet Junior Grade
2399 - 2400 Cadet Academy
2400 - 2401 Science Officer Starbase Bravo