
Profile Overview


Romulan Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Dhae


Science Officer - Head of Astrophysics
USS Sternbach




Anyrka, ch'Kovex, Romulan Republic (formerly Romulan Empire)


Lieutenant Dhae is a Romulan astrophysicist who has been recently accepted into Starfleet thanks to an officer exchange program between the Romulan Republic and the Federation.

Previously he served on the Romulan bird-of-prey Koruba, and became one of its highest-ranking officers after most of the crew died in the Underspace. After being rescued by the USS Redding, and due to the high probability of being expelled by the Republican Navy, Dhae applied to become a member of Starfleet.


Dhae is a lithe and youthful-looking Romulan with a somewhat dark skin and small ears. His most distinctive characteristic is his light curly hair, which is a common genetic mutation on his birthplanet.

His voice is deep and a bit raspy.



Dhae is as secretive as any other Romulan, but is kind, attentive and open. A true scientist, he has an endless curiosity.

He is enormously fascinated by the human habit of gossip, which he regards as an incredible way to gain intelligence and secrets.

He is a foodie and a bookworm.

He can be quite taciturn and unwisely proud.


= Service history (pre-Starfleet) =

[The following has been shared by the Romulan Republic Navy central registration office to Starfleet. All requests of clarification have been denied.]

Dhae was born on ch’Kovex back at the time of the Romulan Empire. His parents are [REDACTED], a [REDACTED], and [REDACTED], a [REDACTED]. He attended [REDACTED] and earned a [REDACTED]. He was an active and curious child, and quickly took a shine to all matters of science.

When he was 16, in 2385, the [REDACTER}] exploded and soon after the [REDACTED] collapsed. The planet of ch’Kovex became a stronghold of the new-born Romulan Republic.

Dhae’s parents, [REDACTED] and [REDACTED], became part of the [REDACTED] Repopulation Effort, a movement putting a stress on the need to have as many children as possible. To their dismay the 16-year old Dhae refused to make this his life’s goal, but he became a caretaker to his seven younger siblings. In that period, he decided to join the [REDACTED], conscious that the [REDACTED] Republic needed to be defended both from the [REDACTED] and from the Empire of [REDACTED].

He graduated in 2391 from [REDACTED] Academy and [REDACTED] in [REDACTED]. His dissertation concerned the evolution of spectral lines of late IIA-type Supernovae. The [REDACTED]. He was [REDACTED] to the [REDACTED]. A record of notable missions follows here:

During the last mission of the [REDACTED], it became trapped in the Underspace and was rescued by the [REDACTED] Redding.

For reasons of [REDACTED], Sublieutenant Dhae requested to be transferred to Starfleet and was accepted quickly. He was assigned the rank of Lieutenant and assigned to the Echelon-class [REDACTED].

= Personal history =
Dhae has a large family, with one older brother, three younger brothers and four younger sisters. He has a frayed relationship with his parents, who disapprove of his choice of not dedicating himself to having children, but was a parental figure to his younger siblings.

His only past relationship of note was with [REDACTED], the [REDACTED] of the [REDACTED]. This relationship lasted [REDACTED], when she died in the Underspace.

He has now started a [REDACTED] relationship with the human engineer Iskander al-Kwaritzmi.

= Remarks =
Dhae belongs to the good number of Romulans who have three names: Dhae for his public life, Daeronni for his family, and Ishvenyal, his true name, reserved for those whom Dhae gives his heart to.

Dhae believes in the k’vanit zhaman (literally translated, secret of self-death): that each person carries in them a secret that must never be revealed, and whose devolution will certainly lead to the annihilation of the person, of personhood itself.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2391 - 2393 [Redacted] [Redacted]
2393 - 2394 [Redacted] [Redacted]
2394 - 2399 [Redacted] [Redacted]
2399 - 2401 Head of Astrophysics Koruba
2401 - Present Chief of Astrophysics USS Sternbach NCC-97942