
Profile Overview

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Skye Peters

Human Female


Character Information

Rank & Address

Ensign Peters


Astrometrics Specialist
USS Hypatia


Skye Elizabeth Peters


Montreal, Canada, Earth


A promising individual newly qualified from the Academy on Mellstoxx III, Skye is an avid watcher of the stars. Having watched the heavens through her father’s telescope as a child, she has always held a belief that she would one day travel through space and enhance her knowledge of the cosmos. Assigned to the USS Hypatia, she has achieved that dream and serves on Captain Kauhn’s young crew of explorers.


A beautiful, athletic, innocent-looking young woman, Skye was incredibly popular at the Academy. With shoulder-length, wavy blonde hair and contrasting dark eyebrows, she is easy on the eye. She is working on a fitness regimen set by the CMO to try and bulk up her physique for the rigours of space travel and the duties that come with being a Starfleet officer.

Created by Leonardo AI.


Incredibly kind and supportive, anyone would be lucky to count Skye among their friends. She would do anything for anyone, even to the detriment of herself, and often spent a lot of time helping less academically gifted colleagues during her time at the Academy. Studious and keen, she is often found in libraries or places of learning, trying to improve herself and her skill base to become a valuable member of the Hypatia crew. That said, she is an incredibly talented astrologist and dedicates much of her time to the study of celestial phenomena.


At just 22 years of age, Skye is the youngest officer on the Proteus, having joined directly from the Academy on Mellstoxx III. During her time at the learning institute, Skye earned quite a reputation as a studious, well-liked student. She would often spend time talking with her lecturers at length in a bid to absorb everything she could from them. Despite taking certifications in a number of scientific disciplines, the stars had always been her passion, so it was no surprise that her major was in astronomy. Studying the heavens and the many celestial phenomena out there excited her as much as a new form of propulsion excited an engineer, or a new starship wowed a pilot.

Skye would be the first to admit that she had led a somewhat sheltered life before her acceptance to the academy, coming from a village outside of Montreal, Canada. She got her first real dose of the realities of life in Starfleet when she watched in horror as many of her colleagues succumbed to the Jupiter Signal of 2401 and became enslaved by the Borg. She questioned her decision many times in the days that followed, but when she was approached for a role on the USS Hypatia by the ship’s chief science officer, all was forgotten. She had a chance to explore the cosmos aboard one of the most advanced starships to date.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2401 Astrometrics Specialist USS Hypatia
2401 - 2397 Astronomy Cadet Starfleet Academy, Mellstoxx III