
Profile Overview

Kammus Corelli

Human Male


Character Information

Rank & Address



Starbase Bravo




Engineer, Ship Designer, Wrote paper on redesign of isolinear computer memory for inclusion in the next star ship computer designs. Enjoys dogs, big ships, dislikes slip stream travel. Warp propulsion theorist; graduate of Daystrom Institute.


Stocky shoulders and large bone structure give the appearance of an imposing figure, but his personality is much more meek and calm. Kammus is a wizard with warp plasma, but not so with people. Taking a long time to warm up to anyone, his calm demeanor and relaxed attitude often give an impression of carelessness. Quick to respect his superior officers, and only offering suggestions to save time, he is very studious in carrying out commands. His few friends know he prefers swift vengeance when wronged, but forgives very easily, and possesses patience to rival the most harmonious Vulcan mind.


Strengths & Weaknesses: Patience, Kindness, self-sacrificing, sarcastic, playful, diligent, timely, trustworthy, and honest. Any of these traits could be both strengths and weaknesses. Kammus tries to be the voice of calm in a crisis situation, but also will not hesitate to jump into the fire for the good of his friends. The more he is pushed when the situation is wrong, the more his sarcastic side will appear, to all but the most senior officers. He will never disobey an order, but he will certainly make his objections known, usually in the most loud way possible. Kammus is self sacrificing to a fault, and would do anything for anyone else, completely disregarding his own health.

Ambition : Kammus definitely dreams of commanding a long range exploratory science vessel in the depth of uncharted territory. He also has dreams of starting his own shipyard, and building the ship he wants to command.

Hobbies & Interests : Researching abandoned technology, Astrometrics, Transwarp theory, historical engineering maintenance practices. He is particularly fond of the original LN-100T warp nacelles of the NX-2000 Excelsior class transwarp test vessel. His goal is to make the technology work, even if quantum slipstream is faster.



Born on Farpoint Station, to parents who were civilian engineers and scientists stationed at the shipyards, watching new ships come together was always a treat. A late application and distance from Earth put Kammus well behind his age group to Startfleet Academy. However, his early years spend in the Deneb Core of the UFP allowed him to gain understanding outside the SOL Core. He was never the best and brightest, never the best pilot, never the best friend, but his time spent building models of what he has seen at the shipyards put him years beyond the study of most cadets in the field of Warp Theory, Temporal Mechanics, and Variable Geometry propulsion. His specialist instructors like his bright mind, but his CO thought he would never make it. Head down, grinding away, scrubbing plasma manifolds, getting through the tough work. There was never a great catastrophic or harrowing moment where he would save lives or win a war. His education went without trouble. Partly due to his innate ability to understand warp engines, and partly due to his personality. Beyond school, Kammus found it quite difficult to concentrate on school work because there were so many cadets vulnerable to his wit and demeanor. He felt very lonely, not understanding Earth culture. This is likely the reason he was not in the top 1% of his class.