
Profile Overview


Vulcan Cisgender Female


Character Information

Rank & Address

Captain H'Lai


Commanding Officer
USS Powhatan








Lovingly accepting, nurturing and caring, a great addition to the crew. Her instincts are to protect her crew like she would her son Tm’pek.


Five foot seven, black hair with a tinge of gold, and sometimes red. Her pointed ears are hidden and has a few wrinkles.


Very warm and welcoming, she tends to welcome you with open arms until you are not welcome anymore.


Early Life & Academy 2350-2373

She has been through a lot, her father cared more for her siblings than her, being a middle child, her mission in the household was to facilitate communication between the youngest and eldest sibling’s, and the parents. She was an average student in school, but her love for science was always there. She entered into the Academy with standard grades, choosing Xenobiology to study at the Academy.

While studying at the Academy she found her mate, H’van, who was a pilot, later that year the Borg were encountered. Starfleet was worried and began shoring up their defenses, and making the courses at the academy ‘tactful’.

Dominion War 2373-2375

She was supposed to be on a starship, but instead she was transferred to a think-core. Think-cores were essential during the war, there were atleast a dozen of them, trying to come up with possible outcomes. It was later determined her service was better suited for the Politics side of the war.

Transferring back to Earth, prior to the blackout, she was stationed in Paris as an aide to the Vulcan Senators.  She had never seen Earth so tense, it was quite interest, her initial studies in Xenobiology hadn’t prepared her for this. H’van was on Earth while his ship was being retrofitted, which was a good thing as it was the time for them… … … (fill in the blank)

Days later the blackout happened, everyone was on alert, even H’Lai had a phaser rifle on her shoulder in between bouts of morning sickness. Being Recalled to the Alberta, a Saratoga Variant of the workhorse of the fleet, a Miranda, it was discovered she was pregnant. She opted to tell her CO who left the choice up to her.

She didn’t feel right nurturing a life during the Dominion War, when things would calm down she would return to duty. She was put onto a transport to Vulcan where she could aide them in experiments.

Return to Active Duty & Tm’pek (2397-2401)

Tm’pek’s father was a number of the deceased from the battle to retake Chin’toka, leaving Tm’pek and H’Lai on their own. H’Lai wanted to get back into service, and by this time she felt it was time. Tm’pek was 12, and with his blessing she resumed her career, albeit on the other side of known Federation Space New Haven. IT gave her the chance to do what she did best, which was study races that came to the colony and work with them to make sure they were comfortable. Finding her way through several gun fights, and several instances of aggression, Starfleet felt she would be a good mix for Commander Morris.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2369 - 2373 Student of Xenobiology Starfleet Academy - Earth
Cadet Freshman Grade
2373 Think Tank Earth
2373 - 2375 Political Entourage - Vulcan Federation Council
2375 Science Officer USS Alberta
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2375 - 2397 Science Officer Vulcan
2397 - 2401 Xenobiologist - Science Officer New Haven
2401 Executive Officer/Science Officer USS Healdsburg
2401 - Present Commanding Officer USS Healdsburg