
Profile Overview

Created by Annex

Kerina Marten

Cardassian Female


Character Information

Rank & Address

Captain Marten


Deep Space 11


Rina, Ker


Kerina Marten


Lakarian City, Cardassia


Captain Kerina Marten is a highly respected and seasoned Starfleet officer who commands the USS Lakota, one of the Federation’s most prestigious vessels. With a background steeped in Cardassian military tradition, her unique blend of strategic brilliance and unwavering discipline has earned her a place among Starfleet’s most formidable leaders. Her journey from a disillusioned Cardassian defector to a decorated Starfleet Captain is a testament to her resilience, adaptability, and deep commitment to the ideals of the Federation. Known for her sharp mind, unyielding sense of duty, and complex persona, Captain Marten is a figure of inspiration and intrigue.


Captain Kerina Marten is a striking figure with the unmistakable features of her Cardassian heritage. Standing at 5 feet 10 inches, she has a tall, imposing stature that commands attention. Her skin is a pale grey, characteristic of her species, and is marked by the intricate ridge patterns that run along her neck and down her shoulders. These ridges, along with her prominent facial structure, give her an air of authority that is both intimidating and dignified.

Her jet-black hair is meticulously styled, often pulled back into a tight braid that falls just below her shoulders, emphasizing her angular face and high cheekbones. Marten’s eyes are a deep, penetrating black, with an intensity that often makes those under her gaze feel as though she is seeing straight into their thoughts. These eyes, however, also reflect her inner complexity—a mix of steely determination and the lingering shadows of her past.

Captain Marten is always immaculately dressed in her Starfleet uniform, which she wears with a sense of pride and purpose. The uniform is tailored to perfection, accentuating her strong, athletic build. A subtle Cardassian design influence is visible in the pattern of her uniform, a quiet nod to her heritage that she has seamlessly integrated into her Starfleet identity. Despite her rigorous demeanor, there is a regal elegance to her appearance, a blend of military precision and inherent nobility.


Kerina Marten is a woman of contrasts, shaped by the duality of her life as both a Cardassian and a Starfleet officer. She embodies the discipline, strategic thinking, and efficiency of her Cardassian upbringing, while also embracing the ideals of exploration, diplomacy, and diversity that define the Federation. This unique combination makes her a formidable leader, respected by her peers and feared by her enemies.

Marten is known for her unyielding sense of duty and loyalty to her crew and the Federation. She demands excellence from those under her command and holds herself to the highest standards. Her leadership style is characterized by a blend of calculated risk-taking and meticulous planning, often thinking several steps ahead in any given situation. She is a brilliant tactician, able to anticipate her opponents’ moves and devise strategies that leave little room for error.

However, her Cardassian heritage means she is not without her challenges. Marten is acutely aware of the suspicion and prejudice that some may harbor against her due to her past. This awareness drives her to constantly prove herself, sometimes pushing herself harder than necessary to ensure she is beyond reproach. While she is outwardly confident and composed, there is a part of her that remains deeply introspective, haunted by the decisions she made during and after the Dominion War.

Despite her stern exterior, Marten cares deeply for her crew and will go to great lengths to ensure their safety and well-being. She has a dry, often sardonic sense of humor, which she uses sparingly, usually to defuse tension or to surprise those who assume she is incapable of levity. Her complex personality makes her both a respected mentor and a challenging superior, someone who inspires loyalty but also commands a level of fear.

Kerina Marten’s feelings towards her Cardassian heritage and her homeworld, Cardassia Prime, are complex and deeply layered. Over the years, her disillusionment with the Cardassian government has only deepened. Although she retains a certain pride in her cultural heritage—the discipline, the strategic brilliance, and the rich history of Cardassia—her experiences during and after the Dominion War have left her with a profound mistrust of the Cardassian state and its leadership.

Marten harbors a sense of sorrow and frustration about the path her people have taken, particularly in their repeated reliance on secrecy, deception, and authoritarianism. She is acutely aware of the damage that these traits have caused, not only to Cardassia itself but also to its relations with other species. While she has built a new life and career within Starfleet, committed to the ideals of the Federation, she remains haunted by the knowledge that many Cardassians continue to suffer under a system that prioritizes power and control over the well-being of its citizens.

When Marten learns of the 2401 Underspace scandal, where the Cardassian government ordered a clandestine mission to destroy the Underspace network—a decision that could potentially strand billions of beings in dangerous, unknown locations across the galaxy—she would be profoundly shaken and angered. This act of sabotage, with its reckless disregard for the lives of countless innocents, would reinforce her deepest fears about the Cardassian government: that despite the lessons of the past, it continues to resort to dangerous, morally bankrupt methods to achieve its goals.

Marten’s immediate reaction would likely be one of cold, seething anger. The realization that the Cardassian government has once again placed its own interests above the safety and lives of others would strike at her core, reopening old wounds from the Dominion War. She would feel a deep sense of betrayal—not only because of the direct consequences of the act but also because it further tarnishes the image of her people on the galactic stage, reinforcing negative stereotypes that she has spent her career trying to dispel.

As a Starfleet captain, Marten would quickly shift from anger to action. Her tactical mind would assess the situation, focusing on mitigating the damage caused by the Cardassian actions. She would likely push for Starfleet to prioritize rescue and recovery efforts for those affected by the destruction of the Underspace network. Marten would also advocate for a thorough investigation into the incident, ensuring that those responsible are held accountable.

Privately, Marten would grapple with a sense of guilt and shame. Although she has long distanced herself from the Cardassian government, the scandal would bring into sharp focus the darker aspects of her heritage. She might question whether she could have done more to influence change within her people or whether her defection was the right choice. This internal struggle could lead her to reflect deeply on her role within Starfleet and the broader galactic community.

Publicly, Marten would maintain a composed and professional demeanor, but her words would carry the weight of her disappointment and condemnation. She would likely express her disapproval of the Cardassian government’s actions, both to her crew and in any formal Starfleet communications. In discussions with Cardassian officials or representatives, Marten would be firm but fair, emphasizing the need for transparency, accountability, and a commitment to peace.


Lakarian City, Cardassia Prime

Kerina Marten was born in 2355 in Lakarian City, one of the most prominent and culturally significant cities on Cardassia Prime. Unlike the more politically charged environment of the capital, Lakarian City was known for its intellectual and artistic contributions to Cardassian society. The city housed prestigious institutions dedicated to science, history, and philosophy, which made it a center of learning and culture. Marten’s upbringing in this environment, combined with her family’s military background, provided her with a unique perspective that valued both intellectual rigor and strategic acumen.

Her father, Gul Maren Marten, was a decorated officer in the Cardassian Guard, and her mother, Elora, was a political advisor known for her shrewd intellect. From a young age, Kerina was groomed for a life of military service, excelling in her studies and showing an aptitude for strategy and command. The values of loyalty to the state and the supremacy of Cardassian ideals were ingrained in her from childhood.

During her time at the Cardassian Military Academy, Marten quickly rose to the top of her class. She was recognized for her tactical brilliance, particularly in scenarios that required outmaneuvering opponents with limited resources—a skill that would later serve her well. However, the seeds of doubt began to take root in her mind during this period, as she started to question the moral implications of Cardassia’s actions, particularly its occupation of Bajor and its alliance with the Dominion.

Dominion War and Disillusionment

The Dominion War was a turning point in Marten’s life. As a young officer, she witnessed firsthand the horrors of the conflict, including the devastation brought upon her homeworld by the Dominion’s betrayal. The brutal loss of millions of Cardassian lives in the final days of the war, combined with the destruction of Cardassia Prime, shattered her faith in the Cardassian government. Her father was killed during the final battle against the Dominion, a loss that deeply affected her and fueled her growing disillusionment.

After the war, Marten found herself increasingly at odds with the post-war Cardassian leadership, which struggled to maintain order while rebuilding from the ashes. The authoritarian tendencies of the new government, combined with the lingering militaristic culture, left her disenchanted. In 2381, unable to reconcile her conscience with the direction Cardassia was taking, she made the difficult decision to defect to the Federation.

Integration into Starfleet and Early Assignments

Defecting to the Federation was an arduous process, filled with suspicion and rigorous scrutiny. Marten’s defection was initially met with skepticism, but her extensive knowledge of Cardassian military tactics and intelligence proved invaluable to Starfleet. After a period of observation and debriefing, she was granted asylum and allowed to enroll in Starfleet Academy under a special program for defectors.

At the Academy, Marten faced significant challenges. She was older than most of her peers and carried the weight of her past, which made integration difficult. However, she applied the same discipline and determination that had served her in the Cardassian military, excelling in her studies and proving her loyalty to the Federation. Her tactical brilliance, combined with her understanding of Cardassian and Dominion strategies, made her an asset in Starfleet’s ongoing efforts to stabilize the Alpha and Gamma Quadrants.

USS Antares – Tactical Officer (2385 – 2388)

Upon graduation, Marten was assigned to the USS Antares, an Intrepid-class starship, as a junior tactical officer. This position allowed her to demonstrate her skills in ship-to-ship combat and strategic planning. During her time aboard the Antares, Marten participated in several skirmishes with rogue Jem’Hadar forces in the Gamma Quadrant. Her ability to anticipate enemy movements and outmaneuver opponents earned her recognition from her commanding officers. Her decisive actions during the Battle of the Kelvas Expanse, where she successfully neutralized a Dominion ambush, led to her first promotion within Starfleet.

USS Valerian – Chief Tactical Officer (2388 – 2392)

Marten’s next assignment was on the USS Valerian, a Galaxy-class starship, where she served as Chief Tactical Officer. This role placed her in charge of all tactical operations, including weapons systems, shields, and security protocols. During this period, the Valerian was deployed on several high-profile missions, including a peacekeeping operation in the disputed territories between the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Republic. Marten’s strategic acumen was crucial during the Korrath Crisis in 2390, where her innovative tactics prevented a full-scale conflict between the two powers. Her success in these missions solidified her reputation as a tactical genius, and she began to be noticed by higher echelons of Starfleet Command.

Starfleet Intelligence – Special Operations (2392 – 2393)

Recognizing her potential, Starfleet Intelligence recruited Marten for a series of covert operations aimed at destabilizing rogue elements of the former Dominion. This assignment took her into the heart of the Gamma Quadrant, where she led a small team on intelligence-gathering and sabotage missions against Jem’Hadar warlords. These operations were perilous, requiring Marten to draw upon her Cardassian training in espionage and subterfuge. Despite the risks, she excelled, and her actions directly contributed to the weakening of Dominion remnants. Her time in Starfleet Intelligence honed her skills in covert operations and deepened her understanding of interstellar politics, but it also reinforced her belief in the Federation’s ideals of transparency and cooperation, as opposed to the secrecy and deception she had known in her youth.

USS Adriatic – Executive Officer and Commanding Officer(2393 – 2401):
In 2393, Marten was promoted to Commander and assigned as First Officer aboard the USS Adriatic, an Intrepid-class starship. This role marked a significant shift from her previous tactical positions, requiring her to take on broader responsibilities in ship operations, crew management, and diplomacy. Under the command of Captain Adrian Velasquez, the Adriatic undertook several critical missions, including deep-space exploration and first contact scenarios. It was during this time that Marten first met Commander Serath Vren, the ship’s Chief Science Officer. Their partnership, based on mutual respect and complementary skills, proved highly effective in navigating the complex challenges they faced. Marten’s leadership during these missions earned her widespread praise and confirmed her readiness for command. Her first opportunity at command would come after the sudden, untimely death of Adriatic’s commander following a short illness. Marten would command Adriatic for the rest of her tour until the ship put in for decommissioning following the Dominion Crisis of 2401.

USS Lakota – Commanding Officer (2401 – Present):
In 2401, following the controversial ousting of Fleet Captain Nazir from command of the USS Lakota, Marten was selected to take over as the commanding officer. The USS Lakota, a ship with a long and distinguished history, presented new challenges and opportunities for Marten. She brought with her a reputation for strategic brilliance and an ability to inspire loyalty among her crew.

Upon taking command of the Lakota, Marten continued to work closely with Commander Serath Vren, who transferred to the Lakota as her Chief Science Officer. Together, they have guided the ship through numerous high-stakes missions, including deep-space exploration, diplomatic negotiations, and strategic defense operations. Marten’s leadership has been instrumental in maintaining the Lakota’s status as one of Starfleet’s premier vessels.

(Biography created with help from ChatGPT)