
Profile Overview

Ambrose Nichols

Human Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Civilian Nichols


Ember Lounge, Freecloud
USS Edison


Ambrose Garrett Nichols


Stardust City, Freecloud


Ambrose Nichols is a former Starfleet officer who became disappointed with the Federation’s idealism and left to seek his fortune in the underworld. Returning to his childhood home of Freecloud, established the Phoenix Consortium, a small but dangerous criminal organization. The Consortium deals in arms smuggling, trafficking, and high-stakes sabotage, operating behind the facade of legitimate businesses.

Nichols himself maintains a low profile, running a small tavern named the Ember Lounge on Freecloud that serves as a front for his criminal activities. Known only as “The Broker” within the Consortium, his leadership is a closely guarded secret, allowing him to expand his influence without drawing attention from law enforcement.

Nichols has managed to build connections with other criminal factions, such as Klingon splinter groups, the Orion Syndicate, and rogue Romulan factions. Under his direction, the Consortium has grown into a small empire, leveraging secrecy and adaptability to expand its influence across several systems. 


Height: 6’1″
Weight: 175#
Hair: Black/Grey
Eye Color: Grey

Nichols wears dark, tailored clothing, typically jackets, and slacks of fine quality. The only jewelry he wears is a small ring engraved with the image of a phoenix rising. His calm demeanor, measured voice, and quiet confidence mask a ruthless mind. Though he blends into the crowd, his presence commands attention, and his ability to hide his true identity makes him a formidable force in the galaxy.


Nichols is a calculating leader who thrives in the shadows. His years of operating beneath the radar have developed his skills in deception and manipulation, allowing him to run the Phoenix Consortium without exposing himself. Though calm and measured in public, Nichols is capable of cold, ruthless decision-making when necessary, and he values loyalty, secrecy, and efficiency above all. 

Nichols is not driven by mindless greed or violence despite his criminal pursuits. He views the world in shades of gray, believing that power and survival come to those willing to bend the rules. His ability to maintain a facade of legitimacy while conducting illicit business makes him dangerous, as he operates without drawing suspicion from law enforcement or rival factions.