
Profile Overview

Javin Kile

Bajoran Male


Character Information

Rank & Address

Captain Javin


Commanding Officer
USS Frontier


Javin Kile holds the rank of Captain and is the current commanding officer of the USS Frontier.


Javin Kile is often described as your typical Starfleet Captain. He keeps his distance from the crew, most of the time. Keeps to himself when he’s off duty, and


Javin Kile was born on Bajor 18 years before the Cardassian withdrawal. Growing up in D’Cor province, the Javin family, known as exceptional farmers. As part of the occupation, they relocated to numerous labor camps, with various family members perishing as a result of the conditions and lack of medical care. As a child growing up on a planet consumed by conflict, Kile made a committment to himself that he’d make a difference and fight against the Cardassians. Starting at a young age, Kile assisted the local resistance cell and would become a full-fledged member.

Being a resistance fighter, Javin Kile was a fervent support of Bajoran independence. Having lost most of his family, he adopted a you only live once mantra and would volunteer for any mission. One resulted in an encounter with a Cardassian Glinn whose knife pierced his left side. A long dark scar serves as a reminder of what he lost and gained during the occupation. When the Cardassians finally withdrew from Bajor, Kile volunteered with the Bajoran Militia. While his career was short, he gained innumerable skills and lifelong friends. After two years of service, his applicaiton to Starfleet Academy was accepted.

When he arrived at the Academy, he was impressed by the various species who called the planet home. Everywhere he looked there was someone different from Vulcans, to Bolians, to Betazoids, to Andorians, to Catians. At the same time, he felt small. Here he was, another Bajoran farmer turned laborer, trying to stand out in an incoming class of hundreds. He made a commitment to himself not to be intimidated and to prove to Starfleet that they made the correct decision in accepting him. Kile would major in flight control with a minor in operations and would graduate in the first quartile of his class.

Assigned as a Flight Control Officer aboard the USS Monitor, Kile’s early Starfleet experience can be described in one word: conflict. Shortly after graduation, the Monitor participated in the Second Borg attack on Earth. Working through a battle as a junior officer, he was temporarily assigned to the engineering department, specifically ensuring the ships impulse engines remained functional. The Borg ruthlessly pummeled the ship and on numerous occasions the engines failed. Now on the opposite side of the conn, he had to collaborate with engineers to bring them back up to full strength.

Shortly after the Borg invasion, life throughout the Federation changed: Cardassia joined the Dominion. Initially, the Monitor was assigned to the front lines, but as an aging Excelsior Class starship, the ship was damaged beyond repair in the first engagement to destroy the Torros III shipyards. From that point on, Kile was on the front lines of the conflict. From piloting Federation fighters to hand-to-hand combat. Javin Kile jumped  through the ranks, by the end of the Dominion War, Javin Kile was a full Lieutenant and the Chief of Flight Control Operations on the USS Tennessee.

With the Dominion War in the past, Javin set a goal to be in command of a starship within the next 10 years. He spent an additional five years aboard the Tennessee, during which he would be promoted to Lt. Commander and serving in the dual position of Second Officer. This first step into command changed his outlook on his career. At the close of 2380, Javin Kile was on a shuttle headed back to the Academy to complete Command School.

For the next year, Javin and his classmates learned the intricacies of Command. He expanded his knowledge to include more than Flight Control. He didn’t realize how thrilling it was to make an independent scientific discovery or how liberating it was to make something broken functional again. Commander Javin graduated from command school in the top 15% of his class was assigned to the USS Cygnus as their First Officer.

As a beginner in starship command, Commander Javin Kile learned a lot in his first year aboard the Cygnus. As a Nebula class, the ship was assigned to deep space exploration. When you’re out there, on your own, the crew expected a strong leader and Javin Kile grew into the position. Most of all, Kile appreciated the leadership of Captain Jessica Horizon who took him under her wing, showing him the ropes of starship command. When Captain Horizon was injured during a First Contact mission, Kile was their to take over. He’d end up serving as Acting Captain of the Cygnus for three months. Having a taste of the center chair was a tease – it lit a fire in him to get his own ship as soon as possible. When it was discovered that the Romulan Star would supernova, Kile immediately volunteered to assist in the relief efforts, earning him his first, temporary, command. While an aged old Excelsior ship, that had been decommissioned after it limped back from battle during the Dominion War was not where he expected to start his time in the command chair, he relished it.

When the synthetic workers on Mars rebelled, Commander Javin Kile was completing his first rescue mission as part of the relocation task force. Their swift and precise attack destroyed the relief fleet and the Utopia Planitia shipyards. With the relief mission cancelled, he was transferred to the Mars relief effort.

Commander Javin would remain on Mars, rebuilding Starfleet infrastructure for an additional year before he took command of the USS Liberty. With the Romulans in tatters after the destruction of their home world, the Alpha Quadrant was relatively peaceful. Starfleet decided to refocus their efforts on exploration. When the captaincy of the Nebula Class USS Nebula, opened up Javin Kile was promoted to Captain and given the command.

The USS Nebula would successfully complete its four-year mission in the Gamma Quadrant before returning to the Alpha Quadrant. Under his leadership, the USS Nebula would make first contact with dozens of Gamma Quadrant species, assisted in a medical outbreak on New Bajor, and investigating new anomalies. The experiences in the Gamma Quadrant taught Captain Javin Kile what it took to run a Starship. Starfleet recognized this growth in him and promoted him to the Galaxy Class, USS Frontier.