
Profile Overview

Lukiz Jen

Trill (joined) Cisgender Man


Character Information

Rank & Address

Commander Jen


First Officer
USS Triton


Lukiz Jen

1st August 2364



Lukiz Jen (née Smyth) is a Starfleet Officer assigned to the USS Triton as its Executive Officer. He previously served on the USS Odyssey as its chief operations officer. Lukiz is an exceptionally gifted officer with an eidetic memory coupled with the fact that he is a joined Trill with several lifetimes of experience. Lukiz is sadly one of many Trill hosts who received their symbiont during a life-or-death crisis. Lukiz has had to take a lot of time adjusting to his joining, something he was not prepared for, but over time, he has come to depend on the Jen symbiont for its years of wisdom and talent.


Lukiz is an average-sized Trill man, and his slender frame often deceives those who encounter him. Despite not commanding a strong physical presence, others instinctively turn to him for guidance, drawn by the depth of his experience and wisdom as a joined Trill. His curly hair is meticulously kept, styled into a neat and short form, while his dark green eyes hold a hint of mischief within their gaze. Lukiz is dedicated to maintaining a polished appearance and prefers a clean-shaven look, particularly when on duty.

  • Height: 5′ 9″ (1.76 m)
  • Weight: 147 lbs
  • Hair: Black
  • Eyes: Green


Lukiz exhibits a multifaceted personality shaped by his own experiences and the influences of his previous hosts. Initially a quiet and shy individual, Lukiz began to come out of his shell after joining Starfleet, developing into a friendly and highly tolerant person. He is dedicated to maintaining a positive and optimistic demeanour, which endears him to his peers.

Strengths & Weaknesses

The joining with the Jen symbiont significantly boosted his confidence, allowing him to command attention and respect in various situations. Despite this newfound confidence, traces of his previous hosts’ personalities still emerge. He occasionally displays the cheeky humour of Razrim, the eighth host known for her comical side. Additionally, he has a habit of twiddling his curly hair, a mannerism inherited from Koriam, the fifth host, who did this when preparing to paint. This motion is sometimes a sign he is considering something serious or nervous about a situation.

Friendships are paramount to Lukiz, and he maintains strong connections with his former academy mates, whom he considers his closest friends. He is known for his passionate nature in intimate relationships, often showing deep care and enthusiasm for those he loves. This blend of traits makes Lukiz a dynamic and engaging individual, capable of balancing the influences of his past with the person he has become.


Lukiz had always prepared himself to have a career in one of the operations divisions when he joined Starfleet. It took several years to explore the idea of wanting to do more after his joining. His past three hosts had all served in Starfleet, one as a counsellor, as a security/tactical officer and another as a captain. As such, he had a range of experiences to consider. This bank of knowledge helped him make the final decision of wanting to take his career further. As a result, he now wishes to be the first officer for some time longer before eventually becoming a captain.


Political Information

  • Affiliation: Starfleet, United Federation of Planets


  • Mother: Sezrah-Jain Smyth, investigative reporter
  • Father: Juahn Smyth, archaeologist

Known Previous Hosts of the Jen symbiont

  • Lieutenant Daubin Jen (Male) – Ninth Host – Chief Counsellor, USS Triton (NCC-80106) – KIA.
  • Lieutenant Commander Razrim Jen (Female) – Eighth Host – Chief Security Officer, USS Malinche (NCC-38997) – KIA
  • Captain Norvo Jen (Male) – Seventh Host – Commanding Officer, USS Charleston (NCC-42285) – Deceased
  • Ambassador Yanaz Jen (Female) – Sixth Host – Federation Ambassador – Deceased
  • Koriam Jen (Male) – Fifth Host – Artist – Deceased
  • Andreud Jen (Male) – ourth Host – Deputy Head of Trill Symbiosis Commission – Deceased
  • Jonzia Jen (Female) – Third Host – Musician – Deceased
  • Rayfi Jen (Female) – Second Host – Pilot – Deceased
  • Tad Jen (Male) – First Host – Legislator  – Deceased


Early Life

Lukiz was born on the Trill homeworld to investigative reporter Sezrah-Jain Smyth and noted archaeologist Doctor Juahn Smyth. Lukiz spent most of his childhood with his mother, as his father constantly travelled around the Federation on various expeditions. He had a very lonely childhood and kept to himself, focussing on his studies.

When he was in secondary school, Lukiz was bullied for being a near genius at his school. Often, it was based on his naïve response to social situations that caused him to be picked on. However, when he finally graduated school, he quickly applied to join Starfleet. His mother wasn’t too keen on him going off to join Starfleet. She felt that Starfleet had become too militarised after the Dominion War. Nevertheless, she supported her son’s decision and helped him prepare to leave home.

Starfleet Career

Early Career

Lukiz was quickly accepted into the Academy and excelled in all his classes. The Academy environment helped shape the young man into the officer he would eventually become.

Many of his Academy lecturers believed that Lukiz would follow in his father’s footsteps into the science division; however, he surprised them all when he picked to major in classes based within the engineering division. Lukiz was utterly fascinated by starship operations.

Lukiz became good friends with his Academy roommate, a young man named Cline Lenjir. The two shared their bridge operations courses, where they met fellow cadet T’Rani. Lukiz quickly made a close friendship with Cline, who was more socially adept and with Lenjir’s raucous teasing of the Vulcan, his amiable sense of humour an inevitable clash with her cold logic, the three became close, a well-balanced trio, and as a strong team, they caught the attention of their instructor, Commander Cambil. The three of them graduated together, and at the same time as Cambil left the Academy, impressed with their success and wishing to encourage their potential, Commander Cambil arranged for them to join her on her new posting.

At his graduation, Lukiz was surprised at the appearance of his father in the crowd—a man he hadn’t seen in years. His father gave him a simple nod, smiled with a wave, and left to return to his life-long work. Lukiz stood by his mother as she sobbed into his arms, wondering if she would ever see her husband again.

USS Triton (NCC-80106)

This posting was the Luna-class USS Triton, a particularly impressive coup of an assignment for ensigns fresh from the Academy. While on the Triton, he began his first romantic relationship with the captain’s yeoman, Tobias Court. The two took their relationship seriously and moved into shared quarters by mid-2386. On more than one occasion, Smyth impressed Captain McCallister and other senior staff members with his work and extra assistance, especially with the science division. Commander Karyn Reyas, the ship’s chief science officer, enjoyed almost becoming a second mentor to him (after Cambil, of course), and she would often sit with him over lunch to discuss a range of scientific topics.

Another senior staff member that Lukiz spent time getting to know was Lieutenant Daubin Jen, the ship’s chief counsellor. He was a joined Trill, and as the only two Trills on the Triton, Jen would spend his time sharing his wisdom from joining and encouraged Lukiz to apply to become a host to the Trill Symbiosis Commission.

After a year on Triton, Lukiz started to feel more settled until the ship was assigned to a dangerous mission. This mission involved rescuing an independent colony in the Deneb sector from being invaded by the Breen. However, their efforts resulted in the Triton coming under fire instead and inflected with heavy damage and mass casualties, including Jen. Unfortunately, Daubin (the host) did not survive the emergency surgery he received. Doctor Slyvexs (the ship’s assistant chief medical officer) was forced to remove the Jen symbiont before it died with Daubin. The Denobulan doctor tried to save the symbiont, but it could not survive without being placed in a host. Fortunately, with Lukiz on the ship, he could save the symbiont, even though he had not trained for it. Without hesitation, he agreed to the procedure and laid down on the surgery bed. After he woke up, he soon found he was a different man.

While the Triton was taken to the nearest shipyards for significant repairs, most of the crew was re-assigned to the brand new USS Odyssey. Captain McCallister offered Lukiz a position on his next command, but Lukiz gracefully turned down the offer. He felt he needed time away to deal with his new life. McCallister understood his decision and authorised Lukiz to take time off from his duties to return to Trill. Lukiz needed help in coming to terms with his unexpected joining. Much to the latter’s upset, Lukiz ended his relationship with Tobias but explained that he needed to understand everything to be the person he now needed to be. Tobias eventually accepted and wished Lukiz all the best. Both men decided to remain friends. 

Returning home to Trill was the best choice for Lukiz. He finally identified himself as Lukiz Jen shortly after his first few assessments with the Trill Symbiosis Commission. It took him almost two years to come to grips with his identity through a range of therapies, exercises, research, and personal reflection. Thankfully, his mother allowed him to stay with her, and she assisted him with his transition.

Starbase 51

By mid-2388, he was offered a position as an operations officer on Starbase 51 in the Murasaki system near Trill. He accepted and moved to the starbase to try to return to his old life within Starfleet. He found the multiple lives of experiences from the Jen symbiont extremely helpful in his work and soon impressed his superiors. He was promoted to lieutenant junior grade in 2390. He was head of a team within his department and was responsible for many systems. Eventually, Lukiz became restless and found his work on Starbase 51 tedious and repetitive. Feeling confident, he applied for a position to join Deep Space 19 as its assistant chief operations officer. Many believed he would not get the job, but the operations manager of the starbase liked his application and offered him the spot. Lukiz moved at the start of 2391 to DS-19.

Deep Space 19

Lukiz’s time on the Unity-class station would be short-lived, three months in fact, as his old shipmates were docked at the base when he arrived. He enjoyed seeing everyone from the Odyssey, even Tobias. 

One evening, Lukiz was quietly working on a report in the station’s replimat when Captain McCallister approached him. His former commanding officer told him that a position on the ship was about to open and that he would want Lukiz to consider it seriously. McCallister gave him until the next day to get him his answer. He said yes and put in his transfer request the following day.

USS Odyssey (NCC-80000)

Joining Odyssey as its chief operations officer and being promoted to full lieutenant was like a homecoming for the joined Trill. So many of his former shipmates from Triton had remained on the ship (a few had moved on). Lukiz quickly established himself as a fine addition to the senior staff, working exceptionally well with his two former classmates in senior positions. By 2399, Lukiz was promoted to lieutenant commander after proving himself to be an excellent command-level officer. He would often take command of the gamma or delta shifts.

Jen considered his time on the Odyssey one of his best, primarily when the ship was assigned to explore the Delta Quadrant in 2399. Gaining the chance to witness first-hand deep space exploration efforts was eye-opening for him. He often found traits from his sixth and seventh hosts coming out when the ship encountered a new civilisation. As a result of this, Captain McCallister depended on his expertise and experience on away missions.  

At the end of 2399, the crew was kidnapped onto an alien vessel. The ship had been exploring the Delta Quadrant when they encountered what appeared to be an alien ark drifting in space. After exploring the ship, the crew discovered that its crew’s children were placed into stasis in an attempt to save their civilisation. When the ship’s AI came to life, it took control of the mighty vessel and kidnapped almost every adult on the Odyssey in a bold attempt to have them care for the children. Feeling somewhat responsible for helping the AI access more control due to him and Commander Hunsen attempting to analyse its systems further to understand them, Lukiz initially blamed himself for their predicament. Over two months, Lukiz was responsible for being a mentor by supporting a group of young adults. Like so many of his colleagues, Lukiz soon realised that he might have quickly discovered the subterfuge being carried out by the ship’s AI system if he hadn’t been placed in that situation. During their escape from the ark, the Odyssey was able to access a subspace corridor that had not been chartered before and found itself dumped somewhere in the Beta Quadrant. The ship was damaged, and Jen helped in leading the repair efforts. After returning to Starbase 4, he was assessed to determine the impact of his imprisonment. Like everyone else, he would undergo a lot of therapy to come to terms with what had happened. 

While at the Mellstoxx system, a massive ion storm hit the nearby Paulson Nebula. It was nicknamed the Century Storm. Every ship was called upon to assist with evacuation and render help to those who were in danger. Ordered back to the ship, the crew headed into the nebula to assist. The Odyssey helped many convoys while repairing subspace rifts. However, the Odyssey was hit by a chronokinetic surge by a subspace rift, and the entire ship was shattered into hundreds of different timeframes. Jen and Captain McCallister were pulled into one timeframe in the future. They met Vice Admiral Max Duncan, Captain Tomaz, Commander Alfie McCallister-Reyas and Commander Jorgeh there. Though they were breaking the temporal prime directive by being in the future timeline, the two officers soon discovered they had to assist the future counterparts in restoring the ship to their timeframe. By doing this, they would save the ship and avoid so many deaths. Though successful in restoring the ship, Jen saw a glimpse into the lives of his fellow crewmates. The ship eventually returned to the proper timeline, thanks to the efforts of both Jen and McCallister. This mission brought out a new side to Jen that he had never experienced before. He looked to McCallister as a mentor, someone who had been an operations officer and had later built a career in the command division.

Along with every other crew member involved in the various time-travelling incidents to restore the ship, Jen was debriefed by the Department of Temporal Investigations. His meeting with Commander Corella Banfield could have been a better experience. She was pretty blunt with him as she tried to ascertain the damage that either he or McCallister caused to the future. However, depending on the experiences of his previous hosts, Jen held it together with her. Furthermore, Jen was required by the Temporal Prime Directive to keep what happened to him and McCallister a secret to avoid any further temporal paradoxes from occurring. Despite this, Jen was enlisted to be part of the planning that would prepare those who would need to know what may happen to ensure that the paradox caused by the surge wouldn’t destroy the ship or the timeline. 

After helping a Romulan colony restore control after the collapse of the Star Empire of Rator, the Odyssey returned to its exploration efforts in the Delta Quadrant. The ship began a goodwill tour of the Gradin Belt, developing better relationships with the local powers. Starfleet was keen to establish strong ties with many races to ensure that when further exploration missions of the area took place, Starfleet was in a strong position. 

When the Hazari bounty hunters attempted to kidnap crew members, Jen worked with his comrades to develop a series of strategies to help defeat the Hazari. His efforts were successful, and the crew overcame the Hazari assault without any fatalities on their side. After this event, the first temporal incursion to deal with the paradox that the Odyssey had dealt with after the Century Storm was meant to occur. It involved Jen’s past self visiting the future. The crew waited for it, and his past self never occurred. Working with others, Jen and his colleagues concluded that whatever they did to restore the Odyssey to its original timeline meant the alternative future he and McCallister had witnessed no longer existed in their timeframe. This idea was confirmed by a message sent to McCallister, which Jen decrypted. It was sent by McCallister’s wife, Karyn Reyas, who had sacrificed herself to save the Odyssey during the Century Storm. In the message, she shared what she did to ensure the alternative timeline would no longer bother them, and it was time for the whole crew to move on. Jen, who had felt confident knowing what would happen, felt unsure for the first time since his joining. Instead of mourning this loss, he saw this as a new beginning for him and applied himself further in his work.

USS Triton (NCC-80106)

After showing his abilities as a proven command-level officer, Jen was promoted to commander in 2401. Several weeks later following this, Jen was approached by Captain Banfield to be her first officer when she was made captain of the Triton. Surprised by this offer, Jen wasn’t expecting to hear it from her, but she shared how much he had impressed her since she joined the Odyssey and that she felt it was time he was given the chance to switch over to the command division full-time. He immediately accepted, and returning to his first ship was like a homecoming.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2382 - 2383 Cadet First Year Starfleet Academy
Cadet Freshman Grade
2383 - 2384 Cadet Second Year Starfleet Academy
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2384 - 2385 Cadet Third Year Starfleet Academy
Cadet Junior Grade
2385 - 2386 Cadet Fourth Year Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade
2386 Gamma Shift Operations Officer USS Triton
2386 - 2388 Sabbatical Trill
2388 - 2390 Operations Officer Starbase 51
2390 - 2391 Operations Team Leader Starbase 51
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2391 Assistant Chief Operations Officer Deep Space 19
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2391 - 2399 Chief Operations Officer USS Odyssey
2399 - 2401 Chief Operations Officer USS Odyssey
Lieutenant Commander
2401 Chief Operations Officer USS Odyssey
2399 - Present Executive Officer USS Triton