
Profile Overview

Nushif Ejoma

Bajoran Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Captain Nushif


Commanding Officer
USS Siren (Archive)


Nushif Ejoma joined Starfleet from the Bajoran Militia in 2385, after the destruction of the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. Having excelled at commanding groups of people within the Militia, as well as having a keen ear for language (she knows 5 fluently and is conversant in 3 others). She was handpicked as the XO of the Ride by Admiral Tondro, and later promoted to the Commanding Officer of the USS Siren.


Ejoma was born and raised in Bajor’s Rakantha province, the only child of two middle-class merchants. Though her extended family was quite large, many of them outside of her immediate family joined the Bajoran faith as Vedeks and Priests.


Ejoma spent most of her youth aboard small Bajoran militia ships, serving as communications and operations officer. She rose quickly through the ranks her first 3 years, promoted from Ensign directly to Captain within that time. Her commander seemed keen on lavishing her with praise and accommodation, and while this made her uncomfortable, she didn’t make waves, and accepted the promotions. She opted to stay with Bajoran local enforcement when Bajor joined the Federation in 2382.


In 2383, Ejoma was given command of a modified Bajoran Lightship (The Rakantha) capable of housing a crew of 10. The Militia commanders tasked her with training new recruits on the basics of astral navigation, command structures, and life aboard a ship. Owing to the loose structure of the Bajoran Militia at the time, she was advanced to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, as it was the rank at which the militia generally allowed anyone to command a vessel. Ejoma didn’t care about the rank itself, but she did care deeply about the mission. She enjoyed training and enjoyed the rigors of command, though she longed for the ability to travel outside of the greater Bajoran system and to explore.


In 2385, the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards were destroyed. Ejoma contacted the Starfleet Liaison offices and requested to transfer from the local Bajoran Militia to Starfleet. She was given the rank of Commander (equivalent to her rank within the Militia), and assigned as Executive Officer of the USS Richter, a newly commissioned small science vessel assigned to the Beta Quadrant. As many of the systems on the ship were automated, she found this to be a relatively boring assignment, but was part of many away teams, and enjoyed the ability to see things she never would have in the Militia. She found she worked well with the science teams, and was able to keep the other departmental teams in line with the ship’s overall mission easily.


In 2395, at the young age of 35, Ejoma was offered Executive Status of the USS Ride, an Odyssey class behemoth under the command of Rear Admiral Niana Tondro. This would be a long-term, deep space assignment, with the understanding that she would frequently be taking the attached Aquarius class starship out on her own. So it would be akin to having her own command. She understood the importance of the mission, and gleefully accepted. After 4 years of service on the Ride, she was given a command of her own.


In 2401, Ejoma was given command of the USS Siren, a Manticore class starship. The heavy escort was assigned nominally to patrol the tense and often dangerous Thomar Expanse, providing safe escort to vessels seeking the unknown regions beyond.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2381 - 2383 Communications Officer Bajoran Militia
2383 - 2385 Commander Lightship Rakantha
2385 - 2398 Executive Officer USS Richter
2398 - Present Executive Officer USS Ride
2401 - Present Commanding Officer USS Siren