
Profile Overview

Matthew Belvedere

Human Cisgender Man


Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Belvedere


Chief Communications Officer
USS Arcturus


Matthew Belvedere

Stardate 2376.7 (Age 25)

Sydney, Australia, Earth


Lieutenant Matthew Belvedere is the chief communications officer aboard the starship Arcturus. A recent Starfleet Academy graduate, Belvedere specialized in linguistics and anthropology at the Academy’s satellite campus at Barzan II to prepare for service on Arcturus for a long-range exploratory mission in the Delta Quadrant. Observant and astute, he’s learned to listen to everything around him, absorbing information until it becomes personally or professionally expedient to use it. After a year as a generalist anthropologist, he was promoted to lieutenant junior grade and joined the communications department. In 2401, he was promoted a second time and became a department head, as Starfleet struggled to find officers to fill positions across the fleet. He is the nephew of Admiral Thomas Belvedere.


Belvedere is relatively short at just 1.72 meters in height, with a build somewhere in between slender and athletic. His facial features are very defined, with high cheekbones and a sharp jawline that makes him quite classically handsome. His natural hair color is brown, but he often experiments with other natural and earth-tone shades, often platinum blond or silver, sometimes with his natural color visible beneath. His most distinctive feature is the striking cerulean color of his eyes.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2395 - 2399 Anthropology Cadet Starfleet Academy—Barzan II
2399 - 2400 Anthropologist USS Arcturus (NCC-84000)
2400 - 2401 Communications Officer USS Arcturus (NCC-84000)
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2401 - Present Chief Communications Officer USS Arcturus (NCC-84000)