A gifted engineer, Broehth is a first generation Starfleet officer who grew up tinkering with nearly everything he could get his hands on. His parents, both professors of Engineering on Bolarus, did little to discourage him until at age 16 he accidentally blew out a plasma manifold on a local school transport and was nearly arrested for it. His parents encouraged him to focus on his studies so that he might enter Starfleet and put his talents to actual use.
He served on a variety of starships as a warp field engineer before making lieutenant and requesting a transfer to the San Francisco Fleet Yards. There he served for over a decade as a final fitment overseer, managing teams that put the finishing touches on new ships or ships undergoing refit and served as Acting Chief Engineer when Myers former command, the Amundsen, was rushed into service during the Lost Fleet crisis.
Having little to no desire to serve on a ship, Myers was able to woo him away from the fleet yards with the promise of the chief engineer position on a Galaxy Class ship. He considers his position on the Galaxy to be the pinnacle of his career and intends to serve there until retirement.