
Profile Overview

Gavarin Brex

Betazoid Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Brex


Chief Operations Officer
USS Galaxy


The very model of a ‘career’ Starfleet Officer, Gavarian Brex found his niche in operations while at the Academy and graduated squarely in the middle of his class. He served on various ships as he slowly made his way up the in rank. In 2385 he was on Mars at a conference when the First Contact Day attack took place. While he was severely injured and on medical leave for the next 2 years, he returned to the fleet when he was cleared too despite the emotional trauma of the attack.

Over the last few years he has considered an early retirement as the galaxy spanning crises continued to occur. Each time he continues to feel like he has a duty and obligation to continue to serve: Starfleet, and the galaxy at large, need good people more than ever and he can’t walk away, not when he can do his part to make the galaxy a better place for his wife and young daughter.