
Profile Overview

This image was created entirely in Krea and edited in photoshop

Theo Barrington

Human Male


Character Information

Rank & Address

Captain Barrington


Commander, Task Force 86
Bravo Fleet Command




Theodore Myles Barrington

2354 (age 48)



Theo started his career in Starfleet as an engineer but switched to the command track at the academy. An experienced starship captain, he is now the executive officer for Task Force 47.


Built on the taller side, at 6’2”, Theo has dark brown eyes and dark hair with the first streaks of grey. In terms of physical fitness, Theo keeps himself in top shape with a consistent regime of weight lifting, running, and kickboxing, which is aided by his high metabolism. Despite his preference for a reserved demeanor, he is skilled in martial arts and marksmanship.

Theo’s manner of dress is generally reserved. When out of uniform, he prefers the smarter side of casual, often seen in shirts / turtlenecks and smart trousers. On stage, however, his appearance is completely different…

This image was created entirely in Krea and edited in photoshop
Theo on stage with the Screaming Helltoads (Created entirely in Krea and edited in photoshop)


Theo can come across as reserved and taciturn in most interactions, but he simply prefers to talk when he has something to say rather than fill the air with chatter. This is perhaps because his twin, Alex, is an utter chatterbox. However, with friends, Theo is very social and open, which can come as a surprise to people not used to the two sides of his nature.

He has a dry sense of humour, which can catch people unaware.

In what spare time he has (and if hololinks allow), he sings with a rock band called the ‘Screaming Helltoads’ along with Ryke Ashfield, Enna Mason and Cole Steele.