
Profile Overview

William Harris

Human Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Commander Harris


Station Executive Officer
Eos Station




William Gabriel Harris


USS Celestial


Commander William “Gab” Harris has built a reputation for excellence through various leadership roles in both engineering and command. His professional demeanor and reserved nature reflect his dedication to his role. His career spans numerous assignments, from the USS Orion to the USS La Grande, leading up to his current post at Eos Station. Gab’s approach to leadership is marked by a calm and composed manner, enhancing his ability to navigate complex challenges effectively.


  •  5’11” / 179cm
  • 190# / 86kg
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Eye Color: Brown

Gab possesses a commanding physical presence, standing at almost 6 feet tall and maintaining a well-proportioned weight. His imposing stature reflects what is expected from a Starfleet Officer. A closely cropped, full beard frames his face, complementing his bald head—a deliberate choice.


Commander William “Gab” Harris is your typical leader within a command structure. With a blend of intelligence, responsibility, and engineering expertise, Gab has honed his skills through various leadership roles in engineering and command positions. His journey through the ranks has been marked by a commitment to excellence, shaping him into an officer who embraces intelligence, focus, and decisive decision-making.

Never one to mingle with the crew, Gab’s style mirrors that of many greats; professional and reserved, He navigates the challenges of ship life with a calm and composed demeanor. His background in engineering adds an extra layer of insight to his command decisions, ensuring that every move is calculated and rooted in an understanding of the ship’s systems.


William “Gab” Harris was born on September 12, 2356, into a Starfleet family where dedication and excellence were not just values but legacies. His father, Commodore William Henry Harris, and his mother, Commander Rebecca Harris (née Johnson), were respected figures in Starfleet, setting high standards that Gab and his siblings strived to meet. Growing up in this environment, Gab was surrounded by examples of hard work and commitment. This blend of roles and achievements within the Harris family created a rich tapestry of service that deeply influenced Gab.

Gab began his journey at Starfleet Academy in 2374, where he enrolled himself in Computer Science, a choice that would become the foundation of his engineering career. His time at the Academy was marked by a strong work ethic and academic excellence, with in his graduation in 2378 to commissioned as an Ensign.

He started his Starfleet career as an Engineering Officer aboard the USS Orion. It was here that Gab first showcased his problem-solving abilities. His hard work and dedication quickly earned him a promotion to Engineering Shift Lead, where he further developed his leadership skills. In 2385, Gab transitioned to the USS Phoenix as the Assistant Chief of Engineering. The Phoenix was a part of the short-lived Task Force assigned to the Romulan relief efforts under Admiral Picard.

By 2388, Gab had earned a promotion to Chief of Engineering on the USS Zenith. In this role, he made significant contributions to the ship’s performance and mission readiness through innovative engineering solutions. Gab continued his career as an Executive Officer on the USS Eclipse, USS Solaris, and USS Stellar. Each of these assignments allowed him to refine his leadership skills and strengthen his reputation as a capable officer. His tenure on the USS Stellar was particularly notable, where he played a key role in several high-stakes missions, demonstrating his tactical skills in leadership.

In 2400, Gab assumed the role of Executive Officer on the USS La Grande. Convinced that Starfleet was unlikely to ever assign him his own command, he dedicated himself fully to his work, often at the expense of his personal life.

In 2401, Peter Mitchell, Gab Harris’s former brother-in-law and the Divisional Commander of Eos Division, specifically requested Gab for the position of Executive Officer of Eos Station (DS-108). Peter’s request was driven by the need to ensure the smooth operation of Eos Station, particularly given the added complexity of Peter’s wife, Elena Mitchell, being appointed as the Commanding Officer. Despite his initial apprehension about the role, the challenge of working on the aging station appealed to the Engineer in Gab. Gab accepted the role,  demanding that Peter’s involvement remain a secret.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2374 - 2375 Cadet Freshman Starfleet Academy: Computer Science
Cadet Freshman Grade
2375 - 2376 Cadet Sophomore Starfleet Academy: Computer Science
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2376 - 2377 Cadet Junior Starfleet Academy: Computer Science
Cadet Junior Grade
2377 - 2378 Cadet Senior Starfleet Academy: Computer Science
Cadet Senior Grade
2378 - 2382 Engineering Officer USS Orion
2382 - 2385 Engineering Shift Lead USS Orion
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2385 - 2388 Assistant Chief of Engineering USS Phoenix
2388 Chief of Engineering USS Zenith
2388 - 2393 Chief of Engineering USS Zenith
Lieutenant Commander
2393 - 2396 Executive Officer USS Eclipse
2396 - 2398 Executive Officer USS Solaris
2398 - 2400 Executive Officer USS Stellar
2400 - 2401 Executive Officer USS La Grande
2401 - Present Executive Officer Eos Station(DS-108)