
Profile Overview

Created by Annex

Eelkom Raiem

Bajoran Male


Character Information

Rank & Address

Captain Eelkom


Commanding Officer
USS Echelon




Eelkom Raiem


Del’o’van III


A proud physician. Raiem (Ry-em) is someone that has worked very hard to get where he is in life. An odd character at times but someone who has dedicated his life to helping those in need. He is your atypical Bajoran however, in the sense that he does not actively practice his people’s religion – this largely related to his forced convent/cult upbringing on Del’o’van III.


Created by Annex
Created by Annex
Created by Annex


Raiem grew up in an isolated convent outside of Bajoran space – on Del’o’van III. On this small desolate colony, a strict adherence to minimal technology use and orthodox Bajoran religious values were enforced. The actual colony itself was established shortly around the time of the initial Cardassian occupation – the elders having believed that the evolution of technology had brought this wrath upon them by the prophets. By conventional standards, life on Del’o’van III was quite poorly and impoverished but not as bad as other outlying Bajoran settlements or refugee camps. Raiem’s parents, both doctors (by primitive standards) had spent the entirety of their lives as part of this convent.

As a child, Raiem had a natural and instinctive curiosity of the universe. He was always asking questions and wanting to know more about the world around him and ‘out there’. He seemed disinterested in the strict orthodox nature of their convent. Religion was always something he was ‘forced’ into but in no means embraced. It was this characteristic that caught the eye of an elderly Bajoran neighbour, Detem Ibi. The old man took Raiem under his wing, and in secret, taught him subject matter beyond what would be acceptable in the convent.

Raiem spent a lot of time with Ibi as a child/early teen, often under the guise of helping the old man with chores and everyday tasks. The relationship he developed into something very paternal, grandfather like even. The teachings continued for quite a few years before Ibi was exposed. There was a convent wide tribunal, after which Raiem was devastated when Ibi was excommunicated from the colony.

Things were never the same after Ibi’s excommunication. Raiem became very distant and cold. He also became even more resistant towards the mandatory religious practices required by convent law. At the age of 14, after several incidents, Raiem was finally brought to the elder council as well and given a choice: to surrender to the convents ways or be excommunicated himself.

The young and rebellious teenager voiced his discontent and hatred for their way of life and as a result was shipped away from the colony, just as Ibi had been. He would never be allowed to see his family again and all attempts to contact them would fall of deaf ears. Raiem hitched a ride to Bajor on one of the colony trade routes, after he learned of its liberation from the Cardassians several years prior.

Raiem’s initial time on Bajor was tough, he endured a long few months as a young homeless teenager living in the streets. This transition had been extremely overwhelming for him and he did get into some trouble with the law, trying to ensure he was nourished. He had a hard time connecting with the population as he did not engage in the very popular religious practices, tainted by his forceful orthodox upbringing. It was his inevitable and initial arrest that was able to connect him back with Ibi, who the authorities tracked down, as it was the only other person Raiem was able to give them as a ‘family’ contact. Coincidentally the elder man had also returned to Bajor the same year the occupation had ended.

Ibi retrieved Raiem from the juvenile facility he was at and promised authorities that the young man would be no more trouble for them. Ibi had been able to retrieve work as a tailor in one of the major cities in a nearby province and was doing well for himself. He took Raiem under his wing and enrolled him in a specialized school, one that would allow a more one on one approach given the young man’s special circumstances. He had a lot to catch up on.

Life was very different from this point on. Raiem was a sponge and the universe his to explore and learn about. He accelerated in his studies and helped Ibi with his work in the tailor shop to earn his keep. This went on for the next few years and life was great for them both. Although Bajor had been through more challenges throughout the Dominion War – life was still much happier for them both than it had been on Del’o’van III. Shortly after Raiem turned 16, he found Ibi had passed on peacefully in his sleep of old age. The young Bajoran was devastated but was determined to make his ‘grandfather’ proud of him and stay on course.

Joining Starfleet was something which had come to mind in his previous two years of study, especially given the need for membership during the Dominion War. Raiem had ambitions of becoming a doctor but had much work to do regarding his schooling and preparation. It was the last year of the Dominion War when he turned 16. The young Bajoran chose to enlist initially, as a medic, and after several months of accelerated training he was sent out to the front lines for the remaining months of the war.

It was a very big adjustment period for Raiem – he was still a young man – and had been sent to the front-lines to work in field hospitals. He had been so isolated most of his life, the adjustment to suddenly serving with copious amounts of species and cultures was very overwhelming to him. Added to that was the extreme stress of war time. Those in the field hospitals he worked with though, took good care of him and many of the doctors and nurses he worked with provided him with their first-hand knowledge.

After the war finished – Starfleet, like much of quadrant entered a period of rest and rebuild. Raiem tried but was not successful in the officer entrance testing his first time around. He decided to try again the following year and continued his preparation studies and enlisted work within Starfleet as a Medic. After having turned 18, Raiem was finally able to obtain the marks needed to gain entry to the Academy – in the Starfleet Medical training program.

His next four years were focused on the basic generalized Academy programs along with the medical courses and certifications needed to become a physician. Raiem took a special interest in microvascular surgical procedures and critical care medicine. He did maintain a small social life but given his shy nature, developed only a small number of close friendships during his time at the Academy.

Upon graduation he applied for a starship Medical Officer posting and was granted his first assignment on board the USS Crazy Horse. Aboard the Crazy Horse, as a junior officer, Raiem became close with an old and eccentric Nursing Officer by the name of Mabel Kuznetsov. Mabel took the young officer under her wing and the two worked together on many projects within the department. The young Bajoran officer made his rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade aboard the Crazy Horse and served nearly two years.

An opportunity to advance his career presented itself as Assistant Chief Medical Officer of Starbase 788. Mabel encouraged him to accept the posting and kept in close contact with him for the three years he served aboard the station. Shortly after three years of service on Starbase 788 Raiem received transfer orders to take over the Medical department on the USS Charon as Lieutenant. Although his time was brief on the Charon, Raiem did enjoy the opportunity and learning experience of running his own department.

After his time on the Charon. The young doctor received orders to take over “The Arrows” – a mobile outpost medical team which worked out of the Bajor sector. Starfleet believed the reception of this team would fair better with a Bajoran at the helm. Raiem enjoyed leading the team of several physicians, nurses and medical staff in providing care to the needy throughout the sector. There were often challenges to overcome, as the team worked in remote areas with minimal resources at times. There was a certain awkwardness as well, given Raiem’s own alienation towards the Bajoran religion. This did make it hard to connect with the population at times.

After a couple of years of doing this relief work, Raiem grew tired of the constant moving around and makeshift facilities. He missed the routine and stability of working on a Starship or Starbase. An opportunity came for a posting on Deep Space 11, which would take him through the wormhole and into the Gamma Quadrant. He requested a transfer to take the lead position of Chief Medical Officer and was accepted.

Raiem served happily on Deep Space 11 for four years. He enjoyed the challenge of operating a large medical department on the space station. In 2393 though, he felt a calling to step back from his service duties and pursue some further outreach post-medicine. His request for transfer within Starfleet had been denied, so he chose to resign from his commission and joined a civilian medical response team that engaged in rapid response work similar to his time with “The Arrows”.

In 2397, Raiem’s commission was reactivated as he was convinced to return to service by his old commanding officer on the Charon who recruited him to refill his old position on the vessel. Raiem agreed largely in part because he both missed starfleet but also because the Charon would be supporting medical response as part of its mission profile.

The same commanding officer also convinced Raiem to pursue his own interests in leadership beyond the sickbay realm. Raiem completed additional command training on the Charon and received his promotion to Commander after his bridge officers examination, a test that still to this day he reflects on.

In 2400, Raiem was reassigned to the Asclepius as executive officer. He enjoyed this new role and embraced it fully. There was some struggle to transition fully away from his physician duties but he still maintained some casual practice to balance this.

Post events of First Contact Day, in a need to replenish command officers, Raiem was promoted to Captain and given command of his own vessel. His physician background served him well in the selection process and he was to take command of the USS Calistoga, a vessel that was undergoing active refit to support a medical and humanitarian response portfolio. Despite feeling a bit nervous of transitioning into his own command so quickly, Raiem had put those feelings aside and is ready to embrace the new challenges ahead of him.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2374 Medic Enlisted Medical Corps
Crewman Recruit
2374 Medic Enlisted Medical Corps
Crewman Apprentice
2374 - 2375 Medic Enlisted Medical Corps
2375 - 2376 Medic Enlisted Medical Corps
Petty Officer 3rd Class
2376 - 2380 Medical Officer Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade
2380 - 2381 Assistant Medical Officer USS Crazy Horse
2381 - 2382 Assistant Medical Officer USS Crazy Horse
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2382 - 2383 Assistant Chief Medical Officer Starbase 788
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2383 - 2385 Assistant Chief Medical Officer Starbase 788
2385 - 2387 Chief Medical Officer USS Charon
2387 - 2389 Chief Medical Officer Outpost Medical Team 46 “The Arrows”
2389 - 2391 Chief Medical Officer Deep Space 11
2391 - 2393 Chief Medical Officer Deep Space 11
Lieutenant Commander
2393 - 2397 Private Medical Practice Civilian Physician
2397 - 2398 Chief Medical Officer & Second Officer USS Charon
Lieutenant Commander
2398 - 2400 Chief Medical Officer & Second Officer USS Charon
2400 - 2401 Executive Officer USS Asclepius
2401 Commanding Officer USS Calistoga
2401 - Present Commanding Officer USS Echelon