Part of USS Cardiff: Parallaxis // Labyrinth and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Chapter 1: Charybdis

Bridge of the USS Cardiff
Stardate 242006.25
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The vast expanse of space shimmered with an otherworldly energy as the USS Cardiff cruised through the sparsely known region. Here, amidst the silence of the stars, an unsettling disturbance had stirred. Gravimetric rumblings in an area known for it’s boredom. 


On the bridge, Captain Reva Saarik sat in her centre chair,  eyes fixed on the main viewscreen. The swirling anomaly that had caught their sensors’ attention was visible on-screen now. It pulsed with a chaotic rhythm, bright lightning tendrils writhing along a growing aperture.

“Kaa, status report?” Captain Saarik asked, breaking the tense silence.


Lt. Commander Ezill Kaalir tapped furiously at the console, attempting to make sense of the data streaming in. “Captain, the anomaly appears to be an opening punched through subspace, but it’s highly unstable. The readings are… unprecedented. If it isn’t collapsed or contained, the gravimetric field will reach Tomaal and Corsicaro.” 


“And wreak utter havoc,” Commander ap Gareth muttered. We should begin refugee prep in case the colonies need to be evacuated. 


Sarrik nodded. “Get started with that, Commander.” Turning back to her chief science officer, she asked. “Can we stabilize it? Keep it from spreading further?”

“Unknown, Sir,” Kaalir replied, frustration creeping into their voice. “We’ve never encountered an aperture of this nature before. The energy patterns are highly volatile. They match what we’ve been told to watch out for, though.”


“Keep an eye on the fluctuations,” the Captain ordered, pivoting to the communications console. “Notify Starfleet Command of our findings. They need to be aware of this.”


As the crew worked diligently, the viewscreen flickered, lightning limning the anomaly in stark detail. Suddenly, a series of bright, sapphire-like objects drifted into view, undulating gracefully through the aperture.


“Captain, detecting multiple lifeforms,” reported Lieutenant Noctu, eyes widening at what his instruments were relaying. “They bear superficial resemblance to the Earth Glaucus atlanticus.” Noctu turned to Sarrik. with a grin, “they are space slugs, Captain!” 


“Beautiful, “ Faarn murmured as they watched the graceful, gamboling gastropods. Glowing with an iridescent purple, the stellar Glaucus moved with a mesmerizing fluidity, their forms twisting and turning in an elegant ballet around the anomaly.


“Magnificent,” whispered the Captain. “Are they…eating the lightning?”


“Possibly,” replied Kaalir.


The crew’s mesmeration was cut short by Lt. Piva Faarn’s sharp bark of an alarm. “Captain, detecting incoming vessels from within the anomaly.” 


Before Sarrik could respond, a fleet of ragtag ships emerged from the aperture, their hulls battered, damaged and sparking.


Scarred as they were, the newcomers were lean and vicious, bristling with weaponry for the hunt. The bridge crew tensed as the vessels closed in on the stellar creatures, firing weapons.


“Warn them off, Olo!” Sarrik snapped. “Faarn, fire across them if they ignore us.”


“Captain, I have the lead ship,” Olosho said. The small ships were turning to face the Cardiff.


“On screen,” Sarrik ordered. 


The face of a menacing raptor-like being filled the viewscreen, its eyes gleaming with predatory intent. Its body was feathered in copper. They tapered smaller and smaller, fading down to a leathery muzzle and large, slit-pupiled eyes. Longer feathers on the top of the head, and the cheeks flared in and out in what Sarrik took as irritation.


“Who are you, that you dare to interrupt our hunt!”


“This is Captain Reva Sarrik of the Federation ship USS Cardiff. Identify yourselves.” 


The creature snarled, its voice resonating through the bridge with a chilling intensity. “We are the Troodoni, the  Sikkaran Empire’s hunters and these creatures belong to us.”


A foreign niggle of fear worried at Sarrik’s mind. She shook her head and met the Troodani’s gaze with resolute calmness. Uncertainty chased across the Troodoni ‘s face.


“This is Federation space. These creatures are now under our conservation protection,” the Captain declared.


The Sikkaran captain’s lips curled into an unnerving grin. “We do not recognise your Federation. This is our hunt, and nothing will stand in our way.”

As the USS Cardiff braced for the imminent confrontation, the soft sshussh of turbolift doors indicated the arrival of a new presence on the bridge. Urzas, the ship’s enigmatic liaison with knowledge of interstellar cultures had arrived. Tallos rode on his shoulder. Currently in his smallest form of a furry, winged cross between a dragon, a goat, and a cat, the al’raj spent half his time with Urzas and the rest with Reva. 


Urzas’ entrance shifted the dynamic; the Sikkaran Captain’s eyes widened with recognition and disbelief.

“Arcdellus?” the Sikkaran captain rumbled softly, eyes narrowing. “You arrived before, al’Senshar. We did not anticipate you in this Federation ship. We meant no disrespect. The prey is yours, of course.” The Troodani bowed, crossing its slender arms across its chest. 


Reva shared a sideling look with Urzas as the tall Technomancer stepped up beside her. Tallos fluttered over to Reva’s shoulder, his warm weight a familiar welcome.


“Stand down all weapons, commander and attend me here, now! Cardiff will beam you over.”

The Sikkaran hesitated, then nodded slowly. “Kaas, al’Senshar.”



Within moments, the three Sikkaran ships stood down, backing off from the stellar dragons, and powering down weapons.


Reva, Urzas, and Kaalir headed to the transporter room.


“You know these creatures, Urzas? These Troodani?” Reva asked.


“No. I know the legends of the Troodani, from my universe. Tales like your… bogeyman… is it? Beings that sow fear, get pure enjoyment out of it too. Legends say it’s because fear and terror season the meat for them better than anything else.” Urzas was quiet a moment, And there is no Sikkaran Empire. Not in my home.”


“Yet, they seem to know you, sir,” Kaalir said. 


“Well, your Federation’s forays into what you call the Mirror Universe have taught you most have doppelgangers. That is a most unsettling thought. I don’t wish to know my darker half. Or any other doppel they may know. Though, Arcdellus is part of my name. Arcdellus Urzas Mercurius.” Urzas let out a wistful sigh. “I wonder if this Ursaz has his Mishros.”




“Kaas, Commander Nrrvyx, I’ve been here longer than you have. My ship was destroyed. Captain Saarik has been kind enough to grant Tallos and I a temporary home..”

Nrrvyx reared back, his eerie golden eyes wide. ‘Planeswalker is lost?”


“Not Planeswalker,” Urzas took a deep breath, “my personal ship.” 


Reva watched the exchange, interested to see where things went. Besides herself, Kaalir, Urzas, and Tallos, three security guards had joined the group outside the transporter room, and stayed after they were settled in a conference room.  

“I wish the sinnemare left alone, Commander. We don’t belong here. You. Me. Them. You need to take your ships back through before they are trapped here. Herd the sinnemare through. You are hunters. Surely your ships can herd as well?” 


Nrrvyx reared back again, the feather crest at his head and great feather fan at his tail-tip flaring wide in indignation. He gave a low growling hiss and that foreign niggle of unease Reva had been feeling turned into a pulse of bright fear. Beside her, Kaalir let out a short sharp breath. 


“Steady, lieutenant,” Reva murmured. Kaalir gave a slight nod, though neither looked away from the Troodoni.


Before Nrrvyx could protest,, the ship shuddered violently. His claws scrambled a hold on the conference table, gouging deep grooves. But the Troodani stayed upright,as did the others. An alarm blared, and the lights flickered, then turned red, with the steady drone of the red alert siren.  


“Report!” Sarrik’s voice cut through the noise.


“The gravimetric distortions have increased!” Commander ap Gareth answered over the rising din on the bridge. “The anomaly has turned into a maelstrom. We’re being pulled in, along with the Sikkaran ships! Some have already been pulled through. Shields are up, but the strain is draining them fast, Captain.”

Emphasis to his point, the Cardiff shuddered, and set to shaking around them. Nyrrvyx looked to Urzas. “Allow me to return to my ship, al’Senshar.”

“You know as well as I do, that’s not possible. You will stay here, Commander. Either your second is worthy of the post or they are not.”


Another shudder rocked the ship, throwing them against the conference table. Urzas cast a quick glance at Reva, and caught her slight nod. He looked back at the security officers.


“Watch out guest,” he told them. To Nyrrvyx, “Stay here, Commander. Do not harm the guards. In any way.” 


Urzas placed a hand on Reva, and Kaalir both, jumping them all back to the bridge. They arrived in time to be flung off their feet, accompanied by the sound of tortured metal. They staggered up, moving to their places. Reva was pleased to see the rest of the crew already locked down in their seats, safe from being tossed about. It was one of Urzas’ improvements she wholeheartedly approved of. He had been horrified at the lack of a basic safety feature.  


Onscreen, swirling vortex inexorably drawing in the ships grew larger by the second. Consoles sparked, and metal shrieked. 

“Brace for impact!” Sarrik barely had time to get the order out before they, along with the Sikkaran ships, were swallowed by the maelstrom.



  • Space slugs need to be protected for sure! A great entrance for the Cardiff or well being swallowed more by the heavy force of the maelstrom. A great interaction between the new arrivals and Urzas unknown fame status. I look forward to more, but a great start!

    June 30, 2024
  • This in a interesting start to proceedings. Space slugs being hunted by a race called Sikkaran, like the way you describe how they look, and the reaction to Urzas, I wonder what's going on there. I feel we'll all find out. I really like this opening and will look out for the next part.

    July 3, 2024