Part of USS Tianwen: A Simple Transport and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Keeping It Casual

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Captain Adriana Cruz woke early and headed to the primary holodeck. Given the skeleton crew aboard the ship it was not in use, so she used it to create a gymnasium. Treadmills, rowing machines, weights, and more were around the area and she headed to a treadmill. Though her leg was still uncomfortable, the synthetic nature of it did well running. It was strong, stronger than her natural leg was, and stronger than her now lost natural leg had been. Having worked up a sweat she transferred to the rowing machine, an exercise that she could do without her leg bugging her. 

She was nearly done when she heard a hiss of a door opening behind her and she realized that she had not locked the holodeck, or set that it was occupied.

Commander Hyden had decided to do some holodeck rock climbing, especially as they didn’t have any mission objectives currently. Just go from one point to another. The trip had been calm and since the dinner with Cruz he had decided it was the best transport he had taken part of. 

He walked into the room and paused it hadn’t been marked as occupied, but he saw Captain Cruz ahead and stopped “My apologies I didn’t think anyone was here. I can come back later.” He said as he turned to leave the room.

Stepping off the tread mill Cruz turned, “It’s alright. I didn’t see anyone using it so I guess I got sloppy and didn’t book it off. I thought that with a skeleton crew it might not get used.”

Turning off the treadmill she stretched, hands crossed over her head as she bent first to the left and then the right at the waist.

”Thank you again for dinner, I had a really good time,” she said, not wanting to hint too strongly that she’d be up for it again, he had a new command and was busy, but she wanted to leave the possibility there for him. She smiled, “I’d offer to repay the favour but it would just be replicator food.”

Hyden smiled it didn’t bother him that she booked the holodeck it was another excuse for him to see her and that alone made him happy. It didn’t really seem to matter much to him on what she was doing any excuse to see her brightened his day.

He chuckled “I’d make dinner every night if it meant I got to spend time with you.” his face went red and he realized he had said that out loud. He didn’t really know what to do at this point. He stood there awkwardly looking at her. His heart was beating out of his chest ‘Crap I didn’t mean to say that out loud…now what is she going to think of me.’ 

A wry smile came to Cruz’s face, “Well I may have to take you up on that, tonight?”

She got the sense that he was not as forward as she was, so that meant coaxing him along a bit. While not exactly the female version of Captain Kirk, she’d certainly lacked any stability in a relationship during her life. Maybe it was to do with her rather chaotic upbringing. 

Adriana Cruz stepped up towards him, standing so the toes of her running shoes were touching the toes of his. The smile turned to a smirk, almost challenging him, “Unless there’s something you’d rather do than cook.”

Hyden smiled and leaned over to her ear “My quarters in three hours.” He said trying to see how she would react. He would of course have some food for her, but from her mannerisms it looked like something else was going to happen, though he decided not to overthink what that could be.”

For a moment she thought he was going in for a kiss, but instead he gave her a time to meet in his quarters. She smiled and cheekily saluted, “Yes Captain.”

With a wink she stepped back and exited the workout room, leaving him on his own. She headed to her own quarters to stress over what to wear. Eventually deciding on her standard uniform, and nothing fancy. She did not want it to be too easy, though she wanted him to work for her attention. Cruz enjoyed this part of relationships, if that was what this was, the chase. The courtship.

Three hours later, in the designated uniform for the USS Tianwen she arrived at her fellow captain’s door and pressed the chime. 

Hyden had been trying to decide on what to do for food. He decided to go with some simple appetizers and snacks. It wasn’t normal for officers to just chill and eat food like this. He wasn’t sure but he was hoping this would be the start to a relationship. At this point he had already admitted what he didn’t want her to know. He had finished the food and heard the door chime. 

He looked at his outfit it was a casual event so he had opted to wear basketball shorts and a t shirt. He opened the door seeing Cruz in her uniform and looked at himself. “I guess I misjudged what to wear, but hopefully you like the food. I fixed some chicken wings, cheese sticks, buffalo chicken dip, and a veggie tray. And for dessert some cookies and cream ice cream chilling for later.” 

Adriana Cruz studied him, ”Actually maybe I over dressed. Can I borrow a bathroom and replicator, and slip into something less formal?”

Hyden nodded and pointed the way. It might have been good to lead with a casual dress code. Wasn’t the highlight of his moment.

About ten minutes later she exited wearing a USS Tianwen t-shirt with the ships name on the front in a dark blue, and jeans. Cruz had pulled her hair back into a pony tail and bound it with a pink elastic. She had her uniform folded under her arm and set it by the door to his room on the floor for when she left.

Giving Hyden a quick kiss on the cheek she sat down looking at the food, “What are we watching some sports. This looks great but I feel like I should be cheering for some Andorian wrestling.”

Hyden shook his head “Sorry, just thought we could have some finger food and a relaxing time. If you would rather like something else I can whip it together soon.“ 

He felt a bit embarrassed he was just wanting a relaxing evening and maybe he did to well at conveying that matter. 

“Don’t mind me,” Cruz said, “I like relaxing, I just didn’t realize that was the vibe we were going for. Besides you look cute in shorts. But let’s blame the mixup on the universal translator, it doesn’t always do Spanish to English perfectly.”

She wanted him to relax and stop over thinking this, have fun. It could be hard, as a captain, to transition from on duty and taking everything deadly seriously to being playful. She hoped he could do it, and yet she wanted him to make some of the leap himself. She smiled, “Now do you know any thing we can do to unwind, or relax Captain?”

Hyden shook his head “First off my apologies I am trying to do this right, but sometime I overdo it than I feel bad. Things skip my mind especially when I am excited and you make me very excited. I’ll be honest with you. You look perfect in whatever you wear though I think you’d look really cute in shorts.” He smirked and gave her a kiss on the cheeks.

”Let’s just eat first than maybe we can see what happens. I’m good with just sitting on the sofa and talking or watching a movie.” he stated as he grabbed her a plate.

”Nervous can be cute,” Cruz said, “I have a feeling I’m a bit more experienced at this than you. So I don’t want to rush you. The sofa is good. You can do a lot on a sofa.”

Cruz winked and then filled her plate and took a seat, waiting for him to join her. She did not exactly want to give him a map, but perhaps a trail of breadcrumbs would be enough.

Hyden looked at her and smirked “If that’s the case why don’t we just put the food aside for now.“ he said grabbing the plates and leading her to the sofa. He embraced her and gave her a passionate kiss. Cruz put her hand on the back of his neck and returned the kiss, adjusting herself as she pulled him down atop of her. With her free hand she guided him down she that he was mostly atop of her.

Kissing for a bit she finally stopped and said, “Before we go any further I should say that I’ve had boyfriends and girlfriends in the past. Nothing I’m ashamed of, I just don’t want to surprise you later.”

She was not sure quite why she was telling him that, though Cruz suspected it was because he seemed cute and kind of awkward and she honestly hoped this was more than a one time visit.

Hyden looked her in the eyes ”I don’t care about the past, but I do know since you stepped on this ship you made me feel a way I have not felt in a very long time. It’s been so long I probably seem awkward, but I embrace that as well!“ He smiled at her giving reassurance. ”Thank you for being honest.” He said as he looked at her longingly in the eyes. 

It was enough for a preamble, and Cruz lifted the Tianwen t-shirt over her head pulling him down. Nothing, as far as she had noticed, was promised about the future and nothing could be certain. The ground beneath their feet was constantly moving, both figuratively and literally as they were on a starship. Their lives were at best going in different directions, with her aboard the USS Luna, and him here on the the USS Tianwen. Still for tonight they could have something, how long they could keep the flame alive, well that was to be seen.