Part of USS Resolute: Back in the Saddle

5 – An Interesting morning…

DS17 Brig
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After the corridors of the Resolute, the walk through the station seemed to take an eternity.

“I mean… Rennox?” RJ muttered as they neared the brig. “The kid wouldn’t say boo to a goose if he thought it would upset you.”

Mason let out a sigh. It was true. The kid had the worst case of hero worship he’d ever seen. He just needed to get him past it, and it wasn’t for want of trying. Not even seeing the real him in action on Arriana had made a difference. Usually evidence that he wasn’t always the nice, play by the rules, Starfleet captain had them running for the hills. But no…

The fact that RJ had seen it though shouldn’t surprise him. Despite the fact that he put up an act as a vain, self absorbed playboy captain, he was anything but.

“Kovash on the other hand—“

Mason snorted. “Yeah, let’s just say this is a familiar song and dance we have after RnR with her.”

They turned the corner to the brig to find they weren’t the first officers there. A tall man in a captain’s uniform was already at the booking in desk.

Mason’s gaze flicked from the Captain to the cells. A few were active so he must be here to spring members of his own crew. Then he half turned and Mason frowned. The taskforce XO… just who he didn’t want to run into when recovering crew.

RJ gave a low whistle. “Hellllooo handsome. Mason, you bring me to all the nicest places.”

“Down,” Mason rumbled in an undertone as they approached. “Or I’ll send you for a cold shower.”


Braim had himself braced against a wall with his back and his right foot planted, too, looking rather casual in that moment as his attention was focused on a medium sized PADD he held. He had brought himself down to the brig some time prior, under the direction of his assistant - this pick-up of involved officers was not only personal given his bystander involvement in the recent events, but it also happened to align with his own need to connect with Mason as well. 

Braim's gaze shifted upwards as he thought he heard something whistle. He immediately took notice of two officers with the rank of Captain heading his way, Mason he recognized from reviewing his personnel file quickly earlier. He stiffened his posture and stood up straight, pulling lightly on his tunic as he took a few steps to close the distance between them.

“Captains.” Braim's deep and commanding voice sounded a bit more direct than he had intended. 

“Captain,” Mason inclined his head in reply. The fact the TFXO had spoken to them directly definitely cut out his theory that he was also here to pick up wayward crew, but he went that route anyway, keeping a pleasant, open expression on his face. “Here on the same mission as we are?”

His quick look assessed the man in front of them. He was tall, held himself well. The dark, intelligent eyes indicated betazoid blood. That would have freaked out some officers Mason had worked with in the past, mostly because they were worried about someone ferreting around inside their heads. It was a fear he’d never understood. Hell, he was sure anyone that wanted to go rooting around in his head would run for the hills less than 30 seconds in.

“I would say our missions differ some but unfortunately have become a bit more intertwined than desired.” Braim maintained a deep eye contact with both men, shifting his gaze between them. 

“I don't often get a chance for some r-and-r these days, but I happened to take this uniform off and pay a visit to our local bar last evening, I was enjoying a good book, a meal and a drink at a table alone when some commotion broke out directly beside me.” Braim paused mid story and looked at RJ in particular. 

“Excuse my rather scattered approach. I recognize Captain Mason but… You are?” He looked at RJ inquisitively. There was no way he could know all the Captains in his sector by looks alone.

Very much wishing I was in that bar last night,” RJ’s smile was wide and immediate as he offered his hand. “Reese-Riggs. Pleasure to meet you.”

Mason slid RJ a surprised look out of the corner of his eye. Good behaviour? Oh, this was going to be interesting.

“Pleasure.” Braim's eyes grew more intense, somehow, as he took  RJ's hand and gave it a firm and vigorous shake. “Maybe another time, hm?” His intense look turned slightly cheeky before his attention went back to Mason.

“Just say the word.” RJ winked as he let go of Braim’s hand. “And I’ll be there.”

“Back to last evening.” Braim cleared his throat before continuing, “Some sort of argument escalated into a confrontation that knocked me, my table and my delicious meal onto the ground. A bit of an annoyance, I'm sure you can understand." 

“Oh absolutely,” Mason nodded, his jaw tightening as he cast a quick glance past Braim down the corridor to the cells. “I‘ll be having firm words with both of them.”

“I did not interfere with security's investigation or introduce myself formally to your officers. However -Is this a common occurrence for members of your crew during stops at Starbases, Captain Mason?" Braim asked. It wasn't a pleased tone by any means but he did a pretty good job at remaining neutral in his expression. 

Mason made sure to keep his expression level. “Not usually no. Given the two officers involved, one isn’t the kind to start anything like this, while the other, if she’s involved, would no doubt have been protecting her younger crewmate.”

And that was what worried him. Rennox had a mouth but Mason couldn’t see him laying it down in a bar fight. Kovash though? The rivan pilot could cause a hell of a lot of damage when unleashed, for whatever reason.

Braim sighed and nodded. He knew sometimes these things just happened - he had been involved in his own brawl in his younger days, much to a similar tune. In defense of a crewmate. “Listen, Captain. I have asked security to let you handle discipline in this matter for your crew members. Call it a gesture of charity on my part. But - if any member of your crew causes such a disturbance on Deep Space Seventeen again..” He looked Mason with a most serious expression.

“Thank you, I appreciate that, and they won’t,” Mason said, his voice a low rumble. “You have my word on that.”

Instantly, he compiled a list in his head of who would absolutely not be allowed RnR on DS17 ever again. Bennett, Kovash and Rennox headed it. After a moment’s thought, he added most of the senior staff.

“Good. Now - it just happens that I needed to link up with you anyways, Captain Mason.” Braim smiled as he handed over the PADD he was carrying to newly minted commanding officer of the Resolute. “The Resolute will be assigned to partner in a division with the USS Interceptor. Captain Harlow Mason will command the division.” He paused now and waited for a reaction.

“Harlow?” Mason glanced up in surprise as he accepted the PADD, his expression unguarded for a moment.

“You would think we planned it this way or something. A rather big coincidence, but I assure you that this is just happenstance.” Braim added. He was surprised, too, when he put two and two together. He had actually met the other Captain Mason some time ago as well. 

Mason shook his head, a rueful smile quirking his lips. “Oh, I’m sure it is.” But that wouldn’t stop Harlow paying him back for a lifetime of sibling rivalry.

“It won’t be a problem,” he said in reassurance. “We’ve served together before, before we joined the Fleet, so we’re used to it. Although, back then, it was me giving the orders so this is going to be… different.”

Before Braim could continue, his assistant's voice came through his comm badge abruptly, reminding him that he was running late for a meeting with a Bolian delegate. Something that Callen had so graciously tossed down his way. He had an awful habit of doing that. 

“Well. Captains. I'll leave you to it. A pleasure meeting you… both.” He gave a respectful nod to Mason and then to RJ, although he maintained eye contact just that much longer with the second man, who had quite blatantly been a flirt. 

“Likewise,” Mason nodded politely.

“The pleasure was all mine, sir,” RJ replied, not looking away. He really should have been more like Mason and read up on their taskforce senior officers, something he was definitely going to rectify as soon as they got out of here with Rennox and Kovash.

“See you around.” With that, Braim a swift exit from the brig and headed to his next meeting.

“Eyes front Captain,” Mason rumbled in an undertone to RJ as he stepped past him to the booking desk and smiled at the crew member on duty there. “I’m Mason, CO of the Resolute, I believe you’re holding two members of my crew?”