Part of USS Falcon: Selene and USS Selene: Division

005: Flying the Coop

Debelius IV
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USS Falcon, Flag Bridge —

The three captains stood around looking at the topography map of Debelius IV as it slowly panned. Based on what they had been able to determine over the past week or so, they had become convinced that the planet housed a New Maquis base, and one from which the group had struck at Cardassian targets. The question was where was the base located. The planet’s prime minister had all but confirmed through his reaction to the mention of a potential base, that one existed, so it was just figuring out where it was.

“If there is one it’s well hidden,” Captain Carrillo said, most of the scans were from her ship the USS Selene which had some of the fleet’s most advanced equipment.

As they scanned over maps of the planet Captain Aike pointed at one region that was darker, “What’s that?”

“A cave system,” Carrillo said, “the metals in the cave infer with planetary scans so we couldn’t get much of a picture of the area.”

Captain Radak nodded, “Then we look there. Ready a runabout, have Commander Attwell take a security team down.”

“I’ll send her down in the X-Wing,” Aike nodded.

Radak looked confused, “What is X-Wing? A special piece of equipment?”

“No it’s a reference to an old Earth movie,” Aike said, “It’s just a normal runabout. Everything on the Falcon is named after the film or its sequels.”

Radak made a ‘hmmf’ sound, “That is highly illogical.”

“It’s called the Maltese Falcon,” Carrillo incorrectly confirmed, “It’s the story of a man and a statue.”

“No it’s not,” Aike said, “It’s called Star Wars. It was made before humans had space travel, well we’d been to the moon.”

“I do not care,” Radak said, “Please ensure that Commander Attwell carries out the orders.”

The two other captains left the battle bridge.

“He’s fun,” Aike said dryly, obvious in the fact that he did not think that Captain Radak was any fun at all.

“Everything on the Selene is named after Ancient Greece,” Carrillo said.

“Oh so that’s why you have an orgy room,” Aike said teasing.

“That’s just where we keep the whales,” Carrillo said, teasing him back.


—- Surface, Debelius IV —-


The runabout X-Wing dropped low over the mountains. Their scans weren’t working properly in this area, so there was little chance of them being detected. They weren’t even clear what they were looking for as Lieutenant Thomas Winfield dropped the ship lower, as they had to scan visually for the unknown thing that they were looking for. Commander Ashley Attwell fiddled with the scanners trying to breach the interference thrown up by the rock formations.

“There’s something three clicks out,” Winfield said.

Attwell adjusted the main viewscreen to get a better view. There was an encampment of some kind. She craned her neck so she could better shout into the rear of the craft, “Ready up, we’re coming on a camp of some kind. No one fires unless fired upon or I say so.”

In the rear the security team ran a final check on their phaser rifles, and nodded. As the Starfleet vessel neared the encampment, human, Bajoran, and even Vulcans began running and heading away from the runabout to a flat area that had been cleared for small warp capable craft to land.

“They’re heading to ships,” Attwell said.

“We won’t be able to take them on,” Winfield said, “Not in a runabout.”

Attwell nodded, they were not there to fight, but whoever had set the camp up were not in the mood for talking to Starfleet. As the runabout neared the camp cleared out, and the ship took off, heading towards orbit.

Attwell tapped her combadge, “Attwell to Falcon, there’s a ship heading into orbit. It came from the camp.”

To Winfield she said, “Land at their makeshift airfield. Let’s look around.”

The camp had been abandoned in a hurry, but it was clear that the work to pack up had started earlier than just since the X-Wing had left the Falcon. A tip must have been received, which Attwell knew implicated the Prime Minister. The camp was quite clearly a New Maquis base, though most of the explosives, and weapons had been packed up and likely loaded onto the ship, there were bits of anti-Cardassian literature as well as PADDs with in progress speeches about how the Federation was letting down the colonies on the edge of Cardassian space. This must have been the camp that the Cardassians had been looking for, under the auspices of helping the colonists in a natural disaster.

“Alright, everyone let’s head back,” Attwell said.


—- Bridge, USS Falcon —-


The call from the ship’s first officer did not come much before the ship appeared on the USS Falcon’s scanners. Shortly after that though the Cardassian Galor-class cruiser moved out of its position in the orbit of Debelius IV and began to head on an intercept course towards the light cruiser.

“Cardassians are moving to intercept sir,” Lieutenant Hume who was the Chief Security Officer said from the tactical station.

“Shields up, move us between the Maquis ship and Cardassians,” Captain Aike said. He was not a fan of the New Maquis but he was even less of one to the Cardassians. If given the choice between protecting Federation citizens, even ones that had broken the law, and Cardassians he was always going to side with the citizens.

“Comms, tell the Selene to stand-by,” he said. Between the Falcon’s eight torpedo tubes and the Selene’s canon, the Cardassians were not going to pick a fight in Federation space. The Maquis also weren’t getting away.

“Hail the Maquis,” Aike said.

A harried and slightly disheveled Barjoran appeared, old enough in age that he may have gotten his start resisting the occupation of Bajor years ago.

“This is Captain Aike of the USS Falcon, stand down and wait to be boarded,” Aike said in his authoritative captain’s voice.

“The Cardassians will…” the man began.

“They won’t touch you, you’re under the protection of Starfleet. But if you try running that Lamarr-class vessel will catch you. And their captain isn’t as friendly as me,” he said. Even if the New Maquis had some fancy starship (which it did not appear they did) a Lamarr-class ship would catch them. His ship might have an artificial speed limit built into it, but the USS Selenecould go all out.

“Captain,” Lieutenant Hume said, “The Cardassian Gul is hailing us.”

“Don’t move that God damn ship,” Aike said to the man on the viewscreen then he turned to Hume, “Switch over, put the Cardassians on.”

Gul Duec Leyit’s face appeared. Aike had not been present at the dinner hosted by the Selene, but had seen the intelligence briefing on Leyit.

“Gul Leyit, nice to finally meet you,” Aike said, making it clear that it was not nice at all, his voice was hard bordering on angry, “I am Captain Aike of the USS Falcon.”

“We wish to pass and attend to an internal Cardassian matter,” the Gul said, “That ship is filled with terrorists.”

“Who will stand trial by Federation courts,” Aike said, “We’ll be arresting them in moments.”

“How do I know you won’t simply let them go?” Gul Leyit asked.

“Like you do with the True Way?” Aike shot back.

The Cardassian inclined his head and smiled, “We’ll be taking them back to Cardassia Prime.”

“Do you really want to fight three Starfleet ships, in Federation space? Even if you make it home alive you’ll be hung out to dry by your own military who isn’t looking to start a war today,” Aike said, bluffing on that. He had no idea if the Cardassians wanted war or not.

“Today,” the Gul said and smiled, “Well you’re much more interesting than the child that had me over for chicken wings. But do you have the backbone to stop me?”

The Galor-class ship continued to approach the New Maquis raider.

“Hume,” Aike said, “Fire a salvo of torpedoes at the Cardassian ship.”

“Aye,” said Lieutenant Hume at the tactical station. The sound of three torpedoes being fired echoed through the bridge and the Cardassian ship rocked.

The Gul laughed, “Well, you are interesting. Hopefully we’ll meet again.”

“I look forward to it,” Aike said.

The screen went dark and switched back to a starfield. The Cardassian ship turned towards their space, and exited the solar system. Slowly at first on impulse and then at high warp.

“Hume, put together a team and bring the New Maquis in. Secure the ship,” Aike said, “Oh and good job.”