Part of USS Inglewood: First Command

First Command

Earth's Spacedock
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As he walks towards the turbolift that will take him to the bridge of the USS Inglewood, Lt. Commander Oriam Po’Ma was recalling the events that put him on that possition. It was unfortunate that his previous captain was assimilated by the Borg, but that gave him the shot to demonstrate the things he can accomplish, and he was willing to do it.

But this all happened so quickly, giving him too little time to get used to this new possition, and he hoped to do things in the best way possible, for everybody’s sake.

Weird turbolift thoughts – he said out loud, at the moment the door opens.

Captain on the bridge! – said Lt. Sarah Allen as he stepped out of the turbolift. She was assigned as his First Officer due to her great grades at the Academy, and for being Captain Oriam Po’Ma’s oldest classmate, friend and crewman, serving together in the mission that put both of them in their current possitions.

She approaches to him with an angry face. – You are late, Blue. You must remember that you are a Captain now and there are certain protocols that must be observed.

OP.- Maybe it would help if you stop calling me “Blue” in front of the rest of the crew. I know we are used to that “Red” and “Blue” thing, but that is between us. Speaking of which, I got to find a way to call you, ’cause I will certainly not call you “Number One”… Perhaps Lt. Allen will do for now.

SA.- You are right, sorry. It’s that this whole commission thing came too quickly that it’s giving me too little time to adapt.

OP.- Curious, I was thinking the same thing in my way over here.

SA.- Anyway, we are here now, and must perform the best way possible, even though we lack some experience.

OP.- I think we’ll be fine. We ended as some of the top of the class, also you are one of the best tacticians I know. I’m very grateful that you are here doing this with me.

SA.- Me too, but there is something I still don’t understand. You are in a commanding possition now, so why do you refuse to use the red uniform and stick with your science uniform?

OP.- I guess I prefer to be true with my backgrounds, you know? And I think that your problem with that is that you can’t stand that I look good in blue – saying that final line with a wink at her.

She smiled. Then an announcement cut off their conversation – Incomming transmission from Admiral Kanara Naag.

OP.- Thank you ensign. On screen.

Adm. KN.- Greetings Captain Po’Ma. I hope everything goes well with your taking over the command of the USS Inglewood.

OP.- Everything OK Admiral. Thank you very much.

Adm. KN.- Good. So this will be a brief communication then. As you know, we are short in senior officers, so we are assigning our top graduates to command starships, but due the lack of expierience of the commanding officers and the crew in general, we are assigning you low difficulty missions, such as reconnaissance missions, border patrol and support to border colonies. I won’t tell you not to engage in combat with enemy forces if circunstances force it, but I will ask you to pursue a diplomatic solution before any phaser is fired. Having said that, I’m pleased to send the USS Inglewood and her crew to its first mission. You have to go to the Starbase 21 in the Deneb Sector, and report to its Commanding Officers for further orders. Godspeed Captain Po’Ma.

OP.- Thank you Admiral. We’ll do our best to uphold the values of the Federation.

-End of transmission-

Captain Po’Ma and Lt. Allen looked each other and raised their eyebrows. Without any word they understand that their careers just begun and couldn’t help to feel anxious about the future, but confident that they can accomplish anything as long as they have each other back as it has been for the past years.

OP.- Ensign, set route to the Deneb Sector. – And with a pause, he said the iconic departure word from the legendary Jean Luc Piccard – Engage!


The end?