Part of USS Rome: Ashes of Deneb and Bravo Fleet: Ashes of Deneb

A Small bit of Trouble

USS Rome, Captain's Ready Room
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Sky brought his small box of belongings over to the desk.  At least they'd removed the previous captain's belongings, he thought to himself.  That said, it wasn't like he had much to bring over, his previous ready room being his literal bunk room on the Marduk.

On the desk he set down the mug his previous crew had gotten him, on the wall behind went the small golden model of the Marduk.

It wasn't much.  But now this was home.


  • This scene of Captain Sky settling into his new ready room lends a human touch and familiarity to the plot. Despite the difficulties and changes, tiny, important artifacts from his previous team assist to bridge the gap and make the new surroundings feel a little more like home. It's a touching reminder of his friendship with his previous colleagues. Readers will be able to identify with him as he begins this new chapter on the USS Rome.

    October 2, 2023