Part of USS Rome: Ashes of Deneb and Bravo Fleet: Ashes of Deneb

Desperate Times

USS Rome - The bridge
The Borg Event
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Val’Kyr had been stationed on the bridge when all heck broke loose.  The captain was the first to go, shot down by the two security guards stationed at the back of the bridge.  Rushing over to the nearest door, she ducked into the Captain’s ready room, managing to seal it just before the possessed crew reached it.  Looking around quickly, she spotted the only thing in the room that could function as a weapon and grabbed it, bracing it for a charge.

The door sparked, sputtered, then opened all at once.  Val’Kyr rushed the door, catching one possessed crewmember right in the heart (mostly by accident).  She caught a glimpse of blue turning red as the officer went down.  Unfortunately, the plastic swordfish’s needle snapped off at this time, but she continued to use the body of the fish to block the incoming fire until she made it to the turbolift.  As the doors shut, she could see the operating system of the ship corrupting into a green mess as the possessed crew started taking seats at the controls.


  • This is an exciting and action-packed sequence that immerses the reader in the midst of a catastrophe. The unexpected attack on the bridge, as well as Val'Kyr's fast thinking and cunning, make for an engrossing read. The usage of a plastic swordfish as an improvised weapon adds a creative and tense aspect to the situation. Val'Kyr fights to escape the possessed crewmembers and reach the turbolift, successfully conveying the sense of urgency and turmoil. The depiction of the ship's operating system deteriorating adds to the excitement and makes readers curious about the origin of the issue and how Val'Kyr will handle it. Overall, this scene is gripping and leaves the reader on the edge of their seat, wanting to know what happens next. It's a great way to build suspense and intrigue in the story.

    October 2, 2023