Part of USS Mackenzie: Natalie Harris – The Academy Years (NHAY)

NHAY 006 – Another Day in Class

Mellstoxx III - Starfleet Academy
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Professor Alexandra “The Hammer” Pantuso stood at the front of the class as the bell signaled the start of class.  “We continue with our study of The Borg.  We’ve completed the historical analysis of encounters, and we appreciated Cadet Long, James, and Stawt’s presentation on the many missed opportunities the Federation had to address this enemy.  Today, we begin our examination of the various types of Borg drones, ships, and leaders.”  She tapped at the control unit in her hands, “We’ll begin with the most recognizable of the ships – the Borg Cube.”

Havara’s presentation kept the fifty cadets in Federation Starfleet History 002 focused and paying close attention, taking notes as she discussed her personal experiences with the Borg.  At 71, she had experienced much of the modern and recent history they now studied.  Natalie Harris observed her discussion about the various weaknesses discovered over time in each encounter.  Pantuso observed, “Much of it was stumbling in the dark, no pun intended.  The Enterprise, among others, was the first to return the intelligence needed to understand the enemy we were facing.  It was a terrifying time, and I do not wish to live it again.  We’ve learned the hard way recently never to underestimate them or any of our enemies.” She paused to reflect on the still-fresh events of Frontier Day, and the fallout continued to fall fresh from the metaphorical shared sky above them.  “There is the feeling that with the events of Frontier Day, the threat from the Borg has been eliminated.”

The cadets remained silent, but plenty of glances were shared at her words.  Pantuso had come to Starfleet Academy restless from her retirement in 2400 and was known for her outspoken nature.  Her reputation hadn’t taken long to spread, and cadets knew that when her eyebrows were raised, you had better retreat. She looked across the room, “The universe is full of possibilities.  The dead have come back to life, the unexplained remains unknown, and The Borg has proven time and time again that they’re not finished.  We learned the price for ignorance on Frontier Day.”  She clicked the image away, and she moved to the hierarchy of the Borg.


“Your papers on the Future of the Federation are due Monday when you walk in the doors.  I expect to see your personal and thoughtful perspective together with an understanding of where we’ve come from and where we are at today.”  She waited a few seconds, and the bell rang, “You are dismissed.”  The students jumped up and shifted out the two main doors of the lecture hall while Pantuso collected her materials.  She snapped her bag closed and glanced up as the feeling of being watched nudged her, “Cadet Natalie Harris.  What can I do for you?”

Natalie felt her irrepressible smile fly across her lips, “Captain Pantuso…”

The professor put up her hand, “Here on Mellstoxx III, it’s Professor Pantuso, or Dr. Pantuso if you like to be official.”

Harris corrected, “Professor Pantuso, I wanted to ask you about the USS Mackenzie.”

Alexandra stopped and considered the cadet, “Most cadets want to hear about my Wolf 359 experiences or my days in the Dominion War.  Some ask about my work at the Starship Museum…but you’re among the few who’ve asked about my last command.  Why?”

“My brother took command after you, Professor…and Captain Walton is her current CO – I did some work with her recently before returning to the academy.  I wanted to know what you thought of her…the Mack, I mean.”

Pantuso chuckled, “This is a conversation for my office.  Carry that, will you?  Follow me.”


“The Mackenzie was a project.”  The professor sat back in her comfortable office chair, sipping at her hot tea, while Harris sat in the chair across from her.  “We took the old bones from the Excelsior class and brought her into the future.  I’ll tell you, those old bones weren’t easy to reshape.”

Natalie asked, “You commanded her for five years…do you miss it?”

A long sigh before she answered, “I miss the adventure.  The moments where you were working on a high-wire act in front of everyone…I miss the adrenaline.”

“You’re an adrenaline junky!”  Natalie said it with surprise.  She’d studied the record of Pantuso – her nickname was ‘The Hammer.’ It had been earned for her intensity and driven nature.  “Why’d you retire?”

The professor shrugged, “It was time, Cadet.  You can either choose to exit with grace and find something off-stage to do, or you can be dragged from the chair, kicking and screaming.”  She chuckled, “You remember the story of…,”

Harris interjected, “Captain Horatio Stone.  He was dragged from the chair, kicking and screaming.  I remember we watched the video. You said to choose your moments and know when the clock runs out…you need to run with it.”

“I meant it.  I want each of you to know that it may not be when you’re a captain.  It might be six months into your first assignment…and you suddenly realize this isn’t your place.  That you made choices not for yourself, but for others.”  Another shrug from the professor, “Starfleet is a choice.  I maintain it’s a sacred and holy choice, but that’s old world thinking.”  She finished her tea, “That answer your question?”

Natalie stood, “It does, Professor Pantuso.  Thank you for the time.”  She stood at attention and departed as she was dismissed.  

Alexandra tapped another hot tea into existence.  One of these days, she’d like to get back to the Mackenzie, if only to walk her corridors one last time.  Her attention turned to her growing pile of grading.  The future officers of the Federation needed training first.