
Profile Overview

Mary Anacostia-Bolling

Human Female

Character Information

Rank & Address



USS da Vinci


Mary Francesca Anacostia

11th June 2357

Cloudcroft, New Mexico


After a marriage of less than a year which almost brought Mary Anacostia-Bolling career in Starfleet to an end, due to her husbands attitude and views regarding what a wife should and shouldn’t do; Mary has found herself drawn to men with the same dominating personality of her late husband.  Including those of Captain Robert Eglin who she has served under for several years.


Blonde shoulder length hair 5’8″ (1.77 m)


Quiet and subdued would be the best way to describe Mary Anacostia-Bolling.  Rarely thinks for herself, despite having now reached the rank of Commander and being a First Officer.  It is a wonder to some, how she’s ever progressed this far, having always stood in the shadows of others.


Born in New Mexico to Lilian and Marcus Anacostia in 2357; her early childhood was partly dominated by sharing a love of Astronomy with her father.  It would later be this love of the stars and planets that drew her to joining Starfleet.

She married Carl Bolling, a man twice her age, in 2386; much to her family and friends surprise.  His dominating and overbearing personality, cut her off from everyone she knew and almost put an end to her career.  ‘She has much better things to do in her life.’ As he had put it.

The marriage lasted a mere 11 months; though the circumstances of the accident and subsequent death have never been adequately explained.  The only thing Mary really kept from the marriage was the name.  It did however leave a lasting impression on her life.