USS da Vinci (NCC-77451)

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return. Leonardo da Vinci

USS da Vinci

Saber-class • NCC-77451 • Task Force 86

‘USS da Vinci: Disengaging all moorings soon.’

Jaxartes Corvette Division

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Crew Manifest

Name Position Rank
ID: 2554
ID: 2554
Stella Cartography
ID: 2554
Engineering / Ship Maintenance
ID: 2554
Pilot - Echo Lima 6
ID: 2554
ID: 2554
Special/Covert Operations
ID: 2554

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12 October 2024

Part 7: Taking Command

Angels & Demons

USS da Vinci

Commander Mary Anacostia-Bolling, was standing by one of the many windows along the outer edge of the station watching the various craft go about their business.  A pair of California-class Utility Cruisers, were currently just heading out on their respective missions; having left the docking area [...]

5 October 2024

Part 6: Parted From Me And Never Parted

Angels & Demons

USS da Vinci

‘Mar Ley was dead, to begin with’. It was strange to recall a memory of a place you’d never been to, but that’s how things felt for Alara right now.  This was a dream, but not her dream.  The water in the rock pool looked so still and peaceful, giving off its own faint [...]

3 October 2024

Part 5: Confrontation

Angels & Demons

USS da Vinci

Captains Personal Log: To be told that a man I’ve known more than half my life, a friend I’ve trusted and worked with, is the very same person I’ve been hunting is a shock.  That they’d been working hand in glove with the very sort of criminal we’d both been intrusted to seek out and [...]

1 October 2024

Part 4: The Asset

Angels & Demons

USS da Vinci

Captain Robert Eglin’s efforts to catch the renegade USS Stavanger had been thwarted at each turn.  Either the Captain of that ship was being fed information from within Starfleet or they were extremely lucky; whatever the case, Eglin needed to change the odds more in his favour.  That meant [...]