USS Oakland (NCC-75012)

These are the voyages of the starship Oakland. Her ongoing mission; to support Starfleet's Task Force 47 however needed, stay out of the line of fire, and quietly go where everyone has gone before. Or is it?

USS Oakland

California-class • NCC-75012 • Task Force 47

A veteran ship with a veteran captain, USS Oakland (NCC-75012) has led a mostly peaceful existence under Captain Oskar Maising, a man in the twilight of his career more than content with such a quiet posting. But once he’s paired with the young, hotheaded Commander Charlotte MacColgan as first officer, life on Oakland has turned a bit more chaotic. The galaxy is more wondrous and more dangerous every day, and even little backline starships like this old utility cruiser are being roped into the mix. Will Oakland remain the quiet, boring posting Maising desires and MacColgan despises, or will the rapidly developing galaxy catch up to them both and turn everything upside down?

Crew Manifest

Name Position Rank
Commanding Officer
ID: 2886
First Officer
ID: 2886
Chief of Security
ID: 2886

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6 October 2024

Should've Knocked On Wood

Impulse Drives and Jolly Rogers

USS Oakland

The silence continued unabated. It seemed like even their footsteps couldn’t break the oppressive nothingness, swallowed up within it like a single lightbulb in a pitch-black pit. Charlie MacColgan had been, before she was a first officer,  a security officer for plenty long enough to know [...]

23 August 2024

A Ghost in the Fog

Impulse Drives and Jolly Rogers

USS Oakland

Oakland lacked many things, but sensors were not one of them. Her part as a technical member of the Galaxy lineage definitely showed in how quickly those big sensor pallets picked up the odd little contact about sixty AU deep into the Rolor Nebula- not very far at all, considering its size. It [...]

8 August 2024

Rain Runner

Impulse Drives and Jolly Rogers

USS Oakland

She had to give Oakland this much credit- the XO’s quarters were fairly nice. The old utility cruiser might not be much to look at, less akin to a starship and more so a six-year-old’s arts and crafts project made out of a paper plate and a bunch of popsicle sticks, but at least she was [...]

15 June 2024

First Impressions

Unexpected Horizons

USS Oakland

Charlotte MacColgan could say, without a shadow of a doubt, that USS Oakland was one of the ugliest starships she’d ever seen. More than a ship, it resembled a frisbee with stilts stuck to the bottom, and long giant clown shoes for nacelles, taped together by the engineering hull suspended [...]