USS Columbia (NCC-76991)

With a decommissioning date just months away and with time running out, the stakes are high and redemption is hard-earned for a crew whose every action has the potential to define this epic final chapter of Bravo Fleet's Columbia

USS Columbia

Galaxy-class • NCC-76991 • Columbia Explorer Division • Task Force 21

Once the pride of Starfleet, the ageing Galaxy-class Columbia has seen better days. One of the original six ships of her type that were ordered but remained incomplete, Columbia finally entered service over a decade late, in time to play a significant role in the Dominion War. With her 30th birthday rapidly approaching, Columbia remains a highly sought-after posting, with personnel often waiting years to be granted a place aboard ship, and having undergone a series of refits over the years she remains one of the fleet’s largest and most sophisticated exploration platforms.

Assigned to Task Force 21 of the Fourth Fleet, Columbia plays a preeminent role in exploring new frontiers and establishing new colonies and settlements for the Federation’s ever-growing populace. A new threat from the Klingon Empire will soon bring the mighty behemoth face to face with a hostile former ally.

The stories of Columbia Explorer Division are rated 2-2-2 for mature subject matter, including some moderate violence, language and sexual content.

Columbia Explorer Division

Columbia Explorer Division of Task Force 21 focuses on the adventures of the starships Columbia and Melbourne as they explore the galaxy, respond to crises and proudly fly the flag for the Federation. Formed in the aftermath of the Black Market crisis of 2401, Columbia Division is composed of starships capable of carrying out the various roles and responsibilities dictated by the mandate of the United Federation of Planets. The composition of vessels assigned to the squadron is such that virtually any objective can be completed, whether within the confines of Federation space, or far from safety in far-flung areas of the known galaxy.

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