24 January 2025
USS Liris
Secrecy was of utmost importance. All non-essential systems were offline; the USS Liris was running in grey mode. The only things running at full power were the passive scans, looking out for any Cardassian ships, be they from the legitimate government or the True Way. The mission briefing received [...]
24 February 2024
USS Liris
The Liris shot through space, three Hideki-class Cardassian scouts following. From the lead ship, a volley of torpedoes shot out, striking the Liris’ aft shields, bringing them down. The pursuit had been going on for 2 days, and, during this time, there had been 14 attacks on the small [...]
31 March 2023
USS Liris
Lamon sat on the aging bridge, looking through the latest sector scans. The Kelleg was fifty years old and starting to show the age of a well-worn ship. He’d had to slam his clawed hands on the console screen three times that week to get the lines to stop interfering with what he was [...]
22 January 2023
USS Liris
Sh’ill wondered about what was going on on his Bridge in dreadful anticipation of bloodshed up there. He was almost certain of what had happened, but he did not have the courage to even consider how that could have happened. And now, the turbolift stopped. In a few moments, Sh’ill would see [...]