USS Serenity (NCC-96138)

While research and development activities typically occur on starbases and outposts within Federation territory, sometimes the greatest discoveries are made amongst the stars. This is the mission of the Polaris Squadron.

USS Serenity

Duderstadt-class • NCC-96138 • Fourth Fleet

The USS Serenity is a Duderstadt-class light cruiser that provides rapid response and forward scouting capabilities for Polaris Squadron. During crises, the USS Serenity will often be the first vessel on scene, and at times, it operates independently of the rest of the squadron for intelligence gathering and reconnaissance missions.

The stories of Polaris Squadron are rated 2-2-2 for mature subject matter, including violence, language and sexual content.

Polaris Advanced Research Squadron

Polaris Squadron is a mission unit under the command of Fleet Admiral Allison Reyes, Director of the Advanced Science, Technology and Research Activity, and Rear Admiral Alex Grayson, Commander of Archanis Sector Operations, that operates under the dual mandate:

  1. Through the Advanced Science, Technology and Research Activity (ASTRA),
    fuel Starfleet’s innovation engine through discovery, investigations and interactions on the frontier.
  2. Under the Archanis Sector Operations Command,
    revitalize the Archanis Sector through infrastructure investments and regional diplomacy.

The flagship of Polaris Squadron is the USS Polaris, an Odyssey-class heavy explorer that hosts the Advanced Science, Technology and Research Activity, and the headquarters of Polaris Squadron is Archanis Station, a Canopus-class starbase from whence sector operations of the Archanis Sector are managed.

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13 October 2024

Passing Stars and Passing Thoughts

S2E2. Alone in the Night

Montana Station, USS Ingenuity, USS Polaris and USS Serenity

It’d been two weeks since they stole away from the Polaris in the dead of night, and two days since anyone said a word. For the three tucked aboard the runabout Calvera, the silence was comfortable. It was normal. It was the thing that filled the moments in-between, whether racing the vastness of [...]

6 October 2024

Away into the Night

S2E2. Alone in the Night

Montana Station, USS Ingenuity, USS Polaris and USS Serenity

Wispy clouds whirled and blue seas sparkled, lit by the cool blue gleam of the young Herbig Ae/Be star flickering 6.7 AU away. By the wall clock, it was the dead of the night, but space was a curious thing. It was always bright, if you had the right frame of reference. Standing center on the wide [...]

4 October 2024

And Then She Was Gone

S2E2. Alone in the Night

Montana Station, USS Ingenuity, USS Polaris and USS Serenity

“You never did tell me… Why a Klingon opera?” That’d been what originally brought Lieutenant Balan to the holodeck, the original reason for her intrusion on the Arabian night. “You don’t exactly come off as a Bat’leths and bloodwine chick.” Not that [...]

2 October 2024

Reflections in Darkness and Smoke

S2E2. Alone in the Night

Montana Station, USS Ingenuity, USS Polaris and USS Serenity

She took a deep drag and exhaled slowly. The smoke danced upward, snaking around her nose and rising into the blackened sky of the cold desert night. She watched it go, its wisps like her worries and her sins, fading into the darkness. The stars, the patio, and the shisha pipe, it all felt so real, [...]