USS Helios (NCC-63284)

Operating out of Deep Space 47, Helios is dispatched to a variety of Pathfinding missions. Currently they are assigned the difficult mission of navigating the Thomar Expanse; whether it's territorial disputes, stellar phenomena or scurvy pirates, Helios always seeks to 'Lights the Way'.

USS Helios

Akira-class • NCC-63284 • Task Force 47

“The test of any man is in action.”Pindar

Operating out of Deep Space 47, Helios is dispatched to a variety of Pathfinding missions. Currently they are assigned the difficult mission of navigating the Thomar Expanse; whether it’s territorial disputes, stellar phenomena or scurvy pirates, Helios always seeks to ‘Lights the Way’.>

Content & stories on this command is rated at 222 on the RPG Ratings Scale, per the Bravo Fleet Content Policy.

Content & Swearing, Violence, and Sexual References may be present. It is intended for audiences 13+.

RPG Rating 222

Helios Wayfinding Division

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16 October 2024

Something new, Something old

A New Fire Awakens

USS Chawla and USS Helios

16 November 2401 Starbase Bravo/ USS Chawla “I always liked the look of the old Constellation class. But this…. Aww, this is a thing of beauty, some of the old mixed with a lot of the new.” Rigras echoed in Aryanna’s head as she looked out over Starbase Bravo’s docking ring, looking at [...]

11 October 2024

Helena - The Shining Light (pt. 4)


USS Helios

I can see Helios slipping away ahead of me, its disk-like grey form creeping down the underspace corridor, scrabbling desperately back towards Federation space, back to safety. They are ahead of me and getting further away. They’re moving beyond my reach, they’re leaving me behind. [...]

8 October 2024

NFA - 01

A New Fire Awakens

USS Chawla and USS Helios

15 October 2401 Fort Apache Reservation, Arizona The darkness of the unknown. The mystery of what lies ahead. Looking from here it is hard to fathom just what hides in that darkness. All those points of light. So many have guided travelers throughout history. But to those that have been among them, [...]

28 September 2024

Merope - With Face Turned (pt. 3)


USS Helios

The charge nurse is getting nosy. I saw her through the window talking to Doctor Ashra when she went to get a dermal regenerator, throwing glances across the sickbay to my biobed. Her fine whip-like tail waived back and forth as she hissed through her tiny needle-like canines. I could almost hear [...]