Part of Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

USS Fearless: Tunnels Through Time & Space

Phase 1: Fearless responds to a distress call concerning an unknown phenomena in the near region of space.

Mission Description

Recommissioned and surveying new territory, Fearless receives a distress call referencing unidentified phenomena.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

26 June 2024

Phantom Distress

USS Fearless: Tunnels Through Time & Space

Traversing uncharted territory in a heavy Cruiser was both blessing and curse for an officer in the sciences division.  The blessing, of course, was that Fearless was often on the forefront of discovery; the first on scene as it were.  The curse was that the time and depth required to [...]

21 June 2024

Turbulent Convergence

USS Fearless: Tunnels Through Time & Space

It was business as usual aboard the recommissioned Excelsior II Class starship.  Poker games were in regularly occurrence, trivia nights had already maxed capacity in the Lion’s Den, and ‘Fearless Cinema’ was airing every Vincent Price film that touched the big screen.  Such [...]