USS Triton

The Veil

Captain Banfield's first mission starts with her exploring a brand new phenomenon.

Mission Description

The USS Triton sets out on a mission to explore a region of the Swallow Nebula enveloped in a mysterious energy field that disrupts sensors. This newly discovered phenomenon is rumored to be impenetrable and locals avoid it at all costs. Intrigued to explore its perimeter, the Triton begins its study but is somehow pulled into it. Inside, the crew discovers a hidden ecosystem brimming with life forms unlike any they’ve encountered before. As the crew investigates, they uncover the reasons why so many avoid it, and their chances of escaping seem almost hopeless.

About the Mission

USS Triton
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End Date

12 October 2024

The Veil - 10

USS Triton: The Veil

Banfield stirred, her vision blurred, and her senses dulled as she gradually regained consciousness. The scent of damp soil and the sound of soft wind brushing against trees hit her before her eyes focused. As her vision cleared, she blinked in disbelief. Before her lay the stone courtyard of her [...]

29 September 2024

The Veil - 9

USS Triton: The Veil

Staring down at the sensor readings over T’Liana’s shoulder, Banfield found it frustrating to work out the source of the current pattern of graviton surges and increased levels of epsilon radiation. After changing out of her Klingon uniform an hour ago, she returned to the bridge to discover [...]

14 September 2024

The Veil - 8

USS Triton: The Veil

“Captain’s log supplemental, our first contact with the Ilumirians, continues to go well. Several science teams are now visiting their islands of asteroids where they live. Though they have offered to show us how to leave the Veil, I feel that if we run away from this encounter immediately, we [...]

31 August 2024

The Veil - 7

USS Triton: The Veil

Banfield was enjoying the flight from the Triton to inside the asteroid that T’Liana had chosen for them to explore first. Sat at the starboard aft science station, Banfield was taking in the readings the Delta-class runabout was feeding back to them. Besides her, in the port station, was [...]