USS Callisto

Journeys End In Lovers Meeting

A newly discovered species asks for help in resolving an ancient conflict

Mission Description

While exploring a newly discovered star system, the Callisto is sent to an isolated planet where the dominant species, the Liraxans, are an advanced telepathic species with a rich history of isolationism. The Liraxans have recently begun exploring beyond their world and are seen as a potential ally, though they are cautious and mistrustful of outsiders.

The Callisto is tasked with making first contact. Through a series of tense but ultimately successful negotiations, the Liraxans agree to share their knowledge in exchange for the Callisto’s assistance in resolving an ancient conflict.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

16 October 2024

Happy Memories

USS Callisto: Journeys End In Lovers Meeting

Captain Ceix had been right to call a break to the talks, Brennan thought. After all, they hadn’t gone anywhere and as much as she had tried to keep a straight face, she had been getting a little frustrated with how little the Elders had wanted to share. Now, she and Keller were wandering across [...]

14 October 2024

The Elders

USS Callisto: Journeys End In Lovers Meeting

The meeting chamber inside the Virexian government building was impressive but cold. The sunlight that poured through towering windows bathed the room in the rose-tinted hue of Liraxia IV’s sky, making Jonathan Keller think of the Terran expression “rose tintend glasses”. Then again, while [...]

13 October 2024

An Uncomfortable Conversation

USS Callisto: Journeys End In Lovers Meeting

“So.”, said Sydin as they stood in the main transporter room, preparing to beam down to Liraxa IV. She turned to Alcyone, who immediately felt her heartbeat accelerate. The woman’s brown eyes were almost piercing as she regarded her, and Alcyone figured that this must be what prey felt like. [...]

12 October 2024

Of Virexians and Malivans

USS Callisto: Journeys End In Lovers Meeting

The Ready Room aboard the USS Callisto was a spacious designed with both functionality and comfort in mind, and decorated here and there with items that were either relevant to Captain Ceix, or relevant to the crew of the Callisto. Mementos of past missions found display on one of the shelves, and [...]