USS Powhatan

New Home, New Beginnings?

After being released from the Command of the Healdsburg, the crew move to a new ship, and a new adventure...

Mission Description

H’Lai and crew are still reeling over the loss of Andrew, but they have been assigned to a new ship, in a new sector. Starfleet felt they were too close to the center of the Action with the New Maquis, and felt the ship and crew may go rogue. After undergoing a debriefing, H’Lai and her senior staff were assigned to the Powhatan, and border patrols where in they encounter many new things.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

3 October 2024

Shift Change

USS Powhatan: New Home, New Beginnings?

With her hands behind her back, H’Lai stood behind George Firehouse, the Chief Helmsmen as he piloted the runabout to the Powhatan. The Senior staff, a little taken aback from the fact that not all of them would be making the trip from the Healdsburg to the Powhatan, and a lot of them [...]