USS Pioneer

Entropy's Demise

When a previously successful start-up colony near the Talvath Cluster goes quiet, Pioneer is the nearest Starfleet ship. Unfortunately they are not the only people interestesd in the colony..

Mission Description

One of the Federation’s more successful attempts to colonise the relatively uninhabited northern frontier, Vanadel has been thriving as a joint operation between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. In the last few weeks strange events have begun to take place, colonists of all types have been aging rapidly, brand new structures have crumbled to dust in days, crops that are planted in the morning, mature overnight and are rotten by the next afternoon.

When the colony’s central plaza tragically collapses after showing signs of rapid aging, Pioneer is dispatched to root out the cause of these strange occurrences.

Unfortunately, ships of the Klingon Empire have been detected en-route, eager to ensure that Starfleet doesn’t take over a strategically useful location.

Chancellor Toral’s declaration still stands, A new Klingon Age is at hand.


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About the Mission

In Progress
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Start Date