USS Valley Forge - USS Fresno

Through a Mirror, Crack'd Darkly

Deceived by the Doppelgänger of Dr Gallian Makon, Captain Samantha Hyland is forced to pursue the mysterious "Ghost - Ship", Hull - 3185 through an interspatial rift and come face to face with her most formidable enemy...herself.

Mission Description

“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known”.


1 Corinthians 13:12

King James Bible

When members of her crew are taken against their will and the derelict “USS Artemis” tears open a rift between space/time, Sam Hyland makes the impossible decision to commit the USS Valley Forge to a headlong pursuit into the unknown.

What she discovers there will shake her faith in both the Federation and herself to the very core, as Samantha and her crew uncover a desperate resistance struggling not only against a totalitarian regime – founded on twisted ideals of empiricism and cruelty – but discover a horrifying old enemy in a terrifying new form that, if left unchecked, will threaten not only her own Universe – but the fate of the many.

Join the crew of the USS Valley Forge as they dare to venture Through a Mirror, Crack’d Darkly.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

23 February 2025

Trading Places

USS Valley Forge: Through a Mirror, Crack'd Darkly

“Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes”. Mary T. Lathrap. 1895.   Separated through the passage of time and the impossible distances between realities, the lovers came together in a crushing embrace, their bodies pressed together, physically yearning for the other – as if [...]

21 February 2025

The Devil Inside – Part #1

USS Valley Forge: Through a Mirror, Crack'd Darkly

“Devil inside, the devil inside. Every single one of us, the devil inside…” Micheal Hutchins   The ‘Samantha Hyland’ on the screen sat back in her command chair and raised a challenging eyebrow as she added poignantly. “And I think we both know that I am a woman of my word – [...]

20 February 2025

Come out, come out, whoever you are.

USS Valley Forge: Through a Mirror, Crack'd Darkly

“The stars don’t look bigger, but they do look brighter.” Sally Ride – Astronaut   You didn’t have to be a genius at Astrometry to figure out that they were not occupying a space in the Galaxy as they knew it, but Lieutenant Commander Deassomi Dai was exactly that and (despite [...]

15 February 2025

Upon meeting One’s – self

USS Valley Forge: Through a Mirror, Crack'd Darkly

“You were born an original. Don’t die a copy.” – John Mason   What lies beyond the Mirror’s edge? That fractal infinity, ever focused upon itself as it stands companion to our own cold judgement. It is a place where we see ourselves perfectly, forced to confront our imperfections and [...]