Part of Bravo Fleet: The Stormbreaker Campaign

USS Fearless: Weathering the Storm

The USS Fearless must contend with the complications of an ion storm which struck the Paulson Nebula.

Mission Description

Tracking down an elusive band of privateers, the USS Fearless is lured into the Omicron system.  Tattered by the ‘Century Storm’ the Fearless must weather effects of the storm and apprehend the organized ‘Unsung Seven’ laying waste to a vulnerable sector, terrorizing thousands.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date

6 February 2022

Calm Before the Storm

USS Fearless: Weathering the Storm

The Fearless was finally at warp travel, locked on the last known coordinates of the frigate filled with contraband and trafficked sentient beings from across the sector.  Ed had been fooled; not once, not twice, but three times by the enigmatic so called ‘vigilante’ group known as the [...]