Part of USS Gilroy: Under-Space and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Underspace: Final Hour Deep Space 17

Alpha Quadant
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Stardate 240106.14 – Time Index 11:00 hours.

With the current events going on throughout the quadrants all of Starfleet starbase, stations, ships and outposts were running at yellow alert ready for the possible opening of an underspace rupture appearing. 

While going about their normal duties the crew stationed at Jupiter station were soon about to go to action stations because for them a rift was about to form 2000 metres off the starboard side and only 1000 metres from the upper atmosphere of Jupiter. Far enough not to cause anything coming through or being pulled in getting affected by the pull of Jupiter itself. 

Seconds later the station went to red alert as they had detected the breach of an opening from Underspace. Not knowing what if anything was coming out they put their shields up and activated what weapon systems they had for defence.

The commander of the station who was about to turn in for a few hours after being up for over 36 hours, soon woke up and ordered a red alert and for everyone to get to their evacuation points ready to evacuate if need be.  Seconds later the rift fully opened and out came the USS Gilroy operating on half impulse. Seeing this on their screens the station commander cancelled the red alert. The breach in underspace closed without any warning putting a look of relief on the station commander’s face.

Back on the Gilroy, everyone was celebrating when they got home they didn’t need to confirm their position because on the view screen was Jupiter or at least part of it due to its size and the Jupiter station. 

“Open hailing channel to the station please Lt Commander,” asked the captain. With that, the Lt commander opened a channel. Moments later the commander of the station appeared on the screen.

“Sorry about dropping In unannounced and hope we didn’t cause you any worry over there, we kinda reemerged in a different set of coordinates than we were aiming for. We get out of your way and sorry again for the disturbance.”  The commander of the station simply smiled and replied “No problem I think you will be wanted at Deep Space 17 for a debrief” with that, the commander smiled and closed the channel.

“Well, helm you heard the commander get us to Deep Space 17 warp factor 5” as he sat back in his chair taking a sigh of relief. And with that, the ensign engaged the engines.