USS Gilroy (NCC-12110)

The Gilroy is a Federation Support ship and is based out of Starbase 17. We travel the system as a second contact vessel and offer much-needed assistance to any.

USS Gilroy

California-class • NCC-12110 • Task Force 17


Shortly after the disruption by the Borg attack and the disruption of the Frontier Day. The fleet command decided to reactivate the USS Gilroy back into service. Following the destruction and major damage to many of the fleet, their mission was to assist with resupplies and second contact duties.

These then become the voyages of the USS Gilroy NCC-12110.

Since taking Command of the Gilroy, I’ve only had the privilege of doing a few supply runs to various starbases and colony outposts following the outcome of Frontier Day. Now we have our first big mission. To set sail through the Barzan Wormhole, our first point of view is a supply drop, but then onwards and upwards to continue Second Contact with the races of the Delta Quadrant.

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28 July 2024

underspace captains log


USS Gilroy

Captains Log. Stardate: 24010614. The day started like any old day performing a resupply run to a local planet. Out of nowhere we were ordered to check out some strange readings that were appearing all over the galaxy.  The ship took one hell of a battering for the old ship that she is. Being [...]

28 July 2024

Underspace: Final Hour Deep Space 17


USS Gilroy

Stardate 240106.14 – Time Index 11:00 hours. With the current events going on throughout the quadrants all of Starfleet starbase, stations, ships and outposts were running at yellow alert ready for the possible opening of an underspace rupture appearing.  While going about their normal [...]

28 July 2024

Underspace Hours 19  & 20 the test and journey home.


USS Gilroy

Underspace Hours 19  & 20 the test and journey home. “It’s been two hours since the captain gave the ok to try out my plan. We almost completed all the alterations needed to the deflector dish and I’ve programmed the computer with the frequency that was working when tried in the [...]

28 July 2024

Underspace: Hours 15 and 16: The chat and making of a plan.


USS Gilroy

Underspace: Hours 15 and 16: The chat and making of a plan.  The captain sat in his chair in the conference room drinking a hot lemon tea waiting for the councillor to turn up with Dr. Mendes. A few seconds only passed and the door to the conference room opened. In walked Lt Allen followed by [...]