Part of USS Callisto: Journeys End In Lovers Meeting

Before The Storm

Alcyone’s and Eshrevi’s quarters, USS Callisto
November of 2041
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“It will be fine.”, said Eshrevi as she glanced at Brennan, whose constant pacing through their quarters was starting to wear her patience thin. Even though her statement was neutral in tone and verbiage, there was an undercurrent of annoyance to it, born from the fact that the Andorian didn’t quite understand why her partner was being nervous about something as simple as a briefing. In particular when she had held briefings before, and was well-prepared to answer questions after studying the customs and culture for the whole day – and most of the night.

“I know.”, Alcyone replied, her dark eyes not leaving the PADD she was studying. “But I need it to be better than fine. I need it to be… “

“The best briefing they ever had? One they will remember until the end of their careers and tell their grandchildren about?”, Eshrevi asked – once more neutrally, but the underlaying impression had shifted to sarcasm, accompanied by her antennae made a small twirling motion in lieu of rolling her eyes.

Brennan shot her a glare. “Very funny. No. But it’s the first impression I am giving as their new XO, and I don’t want that impression to be bad. That’s not totally unreasonable, is it? ”

“No, it’s not. But it’s also not particularly logical.”

Alcyone took the bait and sat down opposite of her friend, and finally put the PADD down. And then she waited, because despite the fact that she could, probably, be able to read Eshrevi’s thoughts – not only because they had been together (in one way or the other) for several years now, but also because the Rodulan side of her genome was telepathically gifted – she couldn’t. At least not reliably.

Eshrevi knew that. She still waited a good few moments before she spoke. “First impressions…”, she started “are only that. Impressions. Not based on any evidence as to what a person is like, and a fickle estimation as to whether they are likeable or competent or not – and most of the time it is already tainted by a pre-existing opinion you have no influence on.”

“Your point being…?”, Alcyone sighed.

“My point being that people already have an opinion about you, be that good or bad. If it is good – great. You can build on that, and even if you give a sub-par briefing, it is not going to distort that view.”

“And if they already hate me?”

“If someone already decided they find you incompetent, it does barely matter how much effort you put into it. They will find some way to maintain their opinion. Humans in particular like to feel validated in their beliefs..”

Alcyone Brennan groaned. That sounded wise, and just as motivating as it sounded demotivating. That was one of Eshrevi’s specialities.

“You’re the worst cheerleader, you know that, right?”

“I am unsure as to what a ‘cheerleader’ is.” Remarked Eshrevi a little smugly, and tilted her antennae.

“Not you, that’s what.”, Brennan rolled her eyes. “But thanks. I think.”

“Any time.”, replied Eshrevi, giving one of those smiles that were learned behaviour for Alcyone’s benefit, rather than a natural expression of emotion. She observed Brennan getting up again and downing the last bit of the coffee she drank out of habit rather than because it did anything for her, and waved her left antennae as the other woman left. Then she exhaled. Finally some peace and quiet.