USS Harmony

Odyssey-class • NCC-84002 • Task Force 17

Harmony Heavy Explorer Division

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1 September 2024


Episode 1: Into the Expanse

USS Harmony

Fire, it was all around her. No matter where she looked she couldn’t avoid it, and no matter how she tried she couldn’t block out the sound of explosions and her comrades crying for help. The battle had not gone their way, the Iron Syndicate had anticipated their ambush and decimated [...]

13 August 2024

A New Dawn

Episode 1: Into the Expanse

USS Harmony

Like most days it was a sunny day in California, even though she hadn't been unfamiliar with sunshine on Virella it still sometimes surprised her decades later just how much sun there actually was here. It wasn't that different from Liberty, the capital of Virella, but then seeing as she had been [...]