Part of USS Harmony: Season 1:

USS Harmony

Episode 1: Into the Expanse

Recently completed the USS Harmony and her new Commanding Officer are tasked with a very special mission, taking aboard a Fleet Admiral who recently returned from retirement and accompanied by the USS Normandy, the ship and her crew must face the many challenges of the Nebulon Expanse and the personal challenge it creates for the ship's Commander.

Mission Description

The Veil of Shadows is a vast and foreboding nebula that surrounds the Nebulon Expanse, acting as a natural barrier isolating the region from the wider galaxy. The Veil is characterized by dense gas clouds, intense electromagnetic disturbances, unpredictable gravity wells, and spatial anomalies. These factors make navigation through the Veil nearly impossible, creating a communication blackout and draining the energy from starships attempting to traverse it. The few who dare to enter the Veil face a perilous journey, often leading to their demise. The Veil would be threatening enough by itself, but making it worse is the presence of a species of spaceborne creatures known as Abyssal Wyrms. The Abyssal Wyrm, a massive and terrifying entity that preys on starships. This serpentine creature, with its adaptive camouflage and energy-draining abilities, is a formidable threat to any vessel that ventures too close. The Wyrm is highly territorial and capable of manipulating gravity, allowing it to trap and destroy most starships that enter its domain.

These natural barriers have kept the galaxy out and perhaps more importantly, the civilizations native to the Nebulon Expanse in. Unaware of a universe beyond the cluster of star systems they know, they have developed independently and within the restrictions created by their domain. Very few dared to traverse the Veil of Shadows, and even fewer actually made it to the other side.

Ava Amanin is one of the people who managed to flee the restraints of her nation and the dangers of the Expanse. Now, with advances in shield and weapons technology she is finally ready to return.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

1 September 2024


USS Harmony: Episode 1: Into the Expanse

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13 August 2024

A New Dawn

USS Harmony: Episode 1: Into the Expanse

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