USS Polaris (NCC-80001)

While research and development activities typically occur on starbases and outposts within Federation territory, sometimes the greatest discoveries are made amongst the stars. This is the mission of the Polaris Squadron.

USS Polaris

Odyssey-class • NCC-80001 • Fourth Fleet

The USS Polaris is an Odyssey-class heavy explorer that serves as the flagship of Polaris Squadron and home of the Advanced Science, Technology and Research Activity. The Polaris is equipped with cutting edge laboratories, sensor suites, and analysis cores that give it near-parity with top-of-the-line R&D facilities, while having a degree of mobility such facilities do not have.  It is also well appointed for frontier diplomatic duties, but it has some tactical drawbacks due to its size and purpose that are augmented by Polaris Squadron’s other vessels.

The stories of Polaris Squadron are rated 2-2-2 for mature subject matter, including violence, language and sexual content.

Polaris Advanced Research Squadron

Polaris Squadron is a mission unit under the command of Fleet Admiral Allison Reyes, Director of the Advanced Science, Technology and Research Activity, and Rear Admiral Alex Grayson, Commander of Archanis Sector Operations, that operates under the dual mandate:

  1. Through the Advanced Science, Technology and Research Activity (ASTRA),
    fuel Starfleet’s innovation engine through discovery, investigations and interactions on the frontier.
  2. Under the Archanis Sector Operations Command,
    revitalize the Archanis Sector through infrastructure investments and regional diplomacy.

The flagship of Polaris Squadron is the USS Polaris, an Odyssey-class heavy explorer that hosts the Advanced Science, Technology and Research Activity, and the headquarters of Polaris Squadron is Archanis Station, a Canopus-class starbase from whence sector operations of the Archanis Sector are managed.

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Crew Manifest

  • Allison Reyes

    Squadron Commander
    ASTRA Director

  • Alex Grayson

    Squadron Deputy Commander (HQ Element)
    Commander, Archanis Sector Operations

  • Gérard Devreux

    Squadron Deputy Commander (Mobile Element)
    USS Polaris Commanding Officer

  • Elsie Drake

    Squadron Strategic Operations Officer
    Archanis Station Commanding Officer

  • Jake Lewis

    Squadron Intelligence Officer
    USS Serenity Commanding Officer

  • Dorian Vox

    Squadron Strategic Ops Officer
    USS Diligent Commanding Officer

  • Cora Lee

    Squadron Engineering Officer
    USS Ingenuity Commanding Officer

  • Grace Ellander

    Squadron Counseling Officer
    USS Serenity Chief Counseling Officer

  • James Henderson, M.D., M.P.H.

    Squadron Medical Officer
    ASTRA Lead, Medical & Biological Sciences

  • Lars Bauer

    Chief Engineering Officer

  • Omar Reza

    Chief Flight Control Officer

  • Luke Lockwood, Ph.D.

    Chief Science Officer
    ASTRA Lead, Astrophysical & Exotic Sciences

  • Elena Mattson

    Chief Operations Officer

  • Keaton Ryder

    Chief Security/Tactical Officer

  • Lisa Hall, Ph.D.

    Chief Counseling Officer
    ASTRA Lead, Cultural & Psychological Research
    Squadron Hazard Team Operator

  • Tom Brooks, Ph.D.

    ASTRA Research Fellow, Temporal Mechanics

  • Syleth Sh'vot

    ASTRA Research Fellow, Geophysics

  • Karl Verhoeven, Ph.D.

    ASTRA Research Fellow, Microbiology

  • Linus Rhodes

    ASTRA Research Fellow, Cyberintelligence

  • Sena

    ASTRA Research Fellow, Xenotechnology

  • Akil al-Qadir

    ASTRA Staff Researcher, Particle Physics

  • Snnar Vok

    ASTRA Staff Researcher, Subspace Mechanics

  • Emilia Balan

    ASTRA Staff Researcher, Cultural Affairs

  • Ayala Shafir

    ASTRA Staff Researcher, Computational Systems
    Squadron Hazard Team Operator

  • Elyssia Rel

    Squadron Hazard Team Operator
    Chief Flight Control Officer, USS Ingenuity

  • James Neidlinger

    Director of Fourth Fleet Engineering

  • T'Aer

    Private Contractor
    Sebold Logistics

  • Grok

    Private Contractor
    Sebold Logistics

  • Frank Negrescu

    Retired Intelligence Officer

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