USS Helios


The crew of Helios are back in the Alpha Quadrant and after a few days of repair works at Deep Space 47 have a solemn duty to fulfil.

Mission Description

Commander Helena ‘Pheobe’ Tyll was lost in Helios’ recent excursion through the Underspace, the crew journey to Trill to mark her passing and that of the woefully young Tyll symbiote.

The stars are a backdrop for contemplation, tears and no shortage of love.


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About the Mission

USS Helios
Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

11 October 2024

Helena - The Shining Light (pt. 4)

USS Helios: Mnemosyne

I can see Helios slipping away ahead of me, its disk-like grey form creeping down the underspace corridor, scrabbling desperately back towards Federation space, back to safety. They are ahead of me and getting further away. They’re moving beyond my reach, they’re leaving me behind. [...]

28 September 2024

Merope - With Face Turned (pt. 3)

USS Helios: Mnemosyne

The charge nurse is getting nosy. I saw her through the window talking to Doctor Ashra when she went to get a dermal regenerator, throwing glances across the sickbay to my biobed. Her fine whip-like tail waived back and forth as she hissed through her tiny needle-like canines. I could almost hear [...]

21 September 2024

Circe - the witch (pt. 2)

USS Helios: Mnemosyne

I wish, by the great bird, that I could stop crying. It’s annoying more than anything, no one likes to be around someone who is crying let alone be them. They feel weird like they’re under some obligation to feel bad for you and give you that gentle rub on the shoulder. Or worse, an awkward, [...]

10 August 2024

Astris - the heavenly body (pt. 1)

USS Helios: Mnemosyne

Circe is crying again, to be honest, she might not have stopped since we arrived back in the Badlands a few days ago. You would think by now that she would have cried her body dry but her big blue eyes continue to pour forth enough water that it would flood the deserts. She’s young, and loves [...]