Part of USS Paramount: Season 1

USS Paramount: Episode 5 | Echoes of Orion

While recalibrating sensor arrays along the Klingon border the Paramount receives a distress call from an Orion ship.

Mission Description

While on a mission to recalibrate a group of sensor arrays along the Klingon border near the Archanis Sector. The USS Paramount receives a distress signal from an Orion cruiser dangerously close to the Klingon side of the border. Commander Nitus orders the ship to investigate and they find the ship in shambles with battle scars evident across the ship.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

27 August 2024

Act Four: They Have WHAT?!

USS Paramount: Episode 5 | Echoes of Orion

“Mr. Zolath, give me some good news,” Nitus said as she approached the central console in the security suite’s main compartment. She had tasked the tactical officer with finding a way to enter the cargo hold without entering their Orion friends. Zolath handed her a PADD as he brought up a [...]

20 August 2024

Act Three: What?

USS Paramount: Episode 5 | Echoes of Orion

Captain's Log Supplemental. We have been holding the Viridian’s Grace while we investigate what they are doing out of here and why they are all the way out here. Captain Drake has tasked the USS Lincoln with providing assistance and are less than twenty-four hours out from our present location. [...]

20 August 2024

Act Two: Help?

USS Paramount: Episode 5 | Echoes of Orion

“Captain Drake, it’s nice to finally talk to you,” Nitus said to her. “I’d say welcome to the Archanis Sector, except that you’ve already been quite busy getting to know the place,” Captain Elsie Drake replied with a smile. The diligent deputy commander of sector operations had been [...]

20 August 2024

Act One: Distress

USS Paramount: Episode 5 | Echoes of Orion

Silently gliding through the black void of the Archanis Sector, the Paramount cuts through the darkness, every movement executed with precision as it maintained a steady course along the Klingon border. On the bridge, the crew is focused, each officer attending to their station with practiced [...]