USS Healdsburg

Crew Assemble!

After being released from Starbase Bravo, the crew make their way to their duty area.

Mission Description

The crew of the USS Healdsburg have been assembled and going some of the hardest space in Starfleet, this is their chance to get to know one another and the newly appointed CO to get to know himself.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

14 September 2024

Is this the end?

USS Healdsburg: Crew Assemble!

H’Lai looked forward at the door of Andrew’s quarters, many officers offered to help her with this, this, was her job. Her friend, comrade at arms, and her mentor, had passed away from injuries due to a bombing from the New Maquis on the Healdsburg. Next in line for command, she had [...]

6 September 2024

A Private Moment

USS Healdsburg: Crew Assemble!

She sat at the helm, waiting for a ship to respond, there was nothing, looking around the bridge, which was now on lockdown with the exception of Senior Staff and the repair crews, it was pretty dreary. The doors swooshed open, Frances pointed at H’Lai. “We need to talk now.” Frances said [...]

4 September 2024


USS Healdsburg: Crew Assemble!

He had his full staff in there with him. He wanted to make sure the readings were correct, before presenting them to H’Lai.  “So Hypothesis; How is it that Starbase 611 is the closest when it is on the other side in the Beta Quadrant with DS2, and according to our orders, we are in the [...]

1 September 2024

Blackholes and revelations. Part 2

USS Healdsburg: Crew Assemble!

For a ship with only 2 medical officers, it was nice to see the amount of personnel who showed up when needed. There were two Security officers stationed outside of the Medical Doors, which is standard at red alert. The First batch started to arrive via stretchers, there was Commander Andrew Morris [...]