Part of USS Healdsburg: Crew Assemble!


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He had his full staff in there with him. He wanted to make sure the readings were correct, before presenting them to H’Lai. 

“So Hypothesis; How is it that Starbase 611 is the closest when it is on the other side in the Beta Quadrant with DS2, and according to our orders, we are in the Alpha Quadrant.” Idris spouted.

“Helm mistake?” said a junior science officer. 

“Get me sensors and course changes I want everything related to our helm analyzed. ” Idris clasped his hands looking at the wide view screen.

“On it,” the Astrometrics Petty Officer said, “It is confirmed Commander, we are infact way off course.  We are in Gorn Space.”

“Amir to H’Lai, you need to stop course and come to Astrometrics Immediately.” he said tapping on his combadge, “And Bring Talat.”

He didn’t trust many of the officers on the ship yet, but he trusted H’Lai and Talat, more than most did.  

Talat entered the room, her arm still in a sling, H’Lai followed sooner after, “Alright, we are way off course. Like really off course.” Idris said bringing up his information. 

“How is this possible?” H’Lai asked.

“Someone could of put in false readings into the sensors, and than … the whole flight control department?” Talat paused. 

“Not the whole department, but we need to get out of Gorn space. ASAP.” Idris said, “This is getting ridiculous.”

“Sirs, pardon my intrusion, but why not park it and send out a distress call?” the Petty Officer Asked. “Isn’t there a Federation specific Emergency channel we can use?”

“We are in Gorn space, chances are all of their comms are being monitored on all lines, they would be able to trace where the signal came from, but not what it said.”

“We would have a fleet on top of us.” Idris said.

“It may be a risk we have to run. Can we fix this?” H’Lai asked.

“Yes Sir, but again, I advise against the Distress call.” Idris objected. 

“I will note it in the log.” H’Lai said. She still couldn’t wrap her head around why the New Maquis would attack the ship in the first place, we were a Cali class, not the strongest in the fleet, unless if it was for stature. “They are trying to kidnap a Starfleet ship! That’s what it is, if we do not do anything we are playing into their hands. We are going to run the ship at yellow alert for now, and I am going to take helm. I will have Walton question the Flight Crew.  That is all. Thank you. Computer Yellow Alert.”

Nodding they both left Astrometrics, she sent a text message to Lt. Walton’s station, ‘Detain the Flight Crew. Come to The Dirty Politician for a quick briefing.’